Results Visualization Overview

If you have a need and interest to interrogate results for a single simulation result set or to compare multiple result sets to each other, you should get familiar with Results Visualization.  The data visualization capabilities within Results Visualization allows you to explore the output variables individually, in groups and across multiple design alternatives.  You can use the predefined  Results Screen Templates that include up to four pre-defined views of graphed output variables to quickly start the "deep dive" or you can create and customize your own using the twelve different chart types.  You'll find you can develop quite interesting comparisons at the building, loop and component level quickly and create result screens like the ones displayed below.  In addition, you can also bring in external EnergyPlus files into Simergy and use the Results Visualization capabilities.  Let your creativity for analyzing results run free...


Figure - example of a Results Screen Template that was applied to a completed half-year simulation


This Results Visualization Guide includes:




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