Results Sets

Related Workspaces - Simulate; Reports;  Results Visualization

Related Examples - Creating Output Requests; Creating Output Request Sets


A Results Set is the SQLite Database (eplusout.sql)  of results for a single simulation run.  It contains the results for the Output Variables that are available (Output Requests and Output Request Sets) for the user to view in Reports and Results Visualization.  By default when a simulation run is launched for a Simulation Configuration it will be give the name of SimRun + a sequential number starting with 1.  Therefore a SimRun equals a simulation run, which equals a Results Set.

The Results Sets default location on a user's hard drive after a simulation has been run is C:\Users\Public\Simergy\SimulationResults\<Simergy file name>

The sub categories of the <Simergy file name> are:

Result Sets in a Simergy File

A Simergy file, which can be composed of Baseline Design and Design Alternatives, can contain multiple Results Sets once simulations have been run for each.

Note: One simulation run = One Result Set

A few examples of when a Result Set is created:

Accessing Results Sets

Once a simulation has been completed and the eplusout.sql file has been created that Result Set will be active in both the Reports and Results Visualization workspaces.  In both workspaces multiple Results Sets can be active at the same time to allow you to analyze different simulation runs side by side.


Accessing Results Sets in Reports

If you select "View Results" on the Simulation workspace, you will be taken directly to the Reports Workspace.  As mentioned the most recent simulation is the active Results Set, but you can select additional or different Results Sets from the Result Set Selection area of the workspace.


Accessing Results Sets in Results Visualization

As mentioned the most recent simulation is the active Results Set, but if you go to the Results Visualization workspace you can select additional or different Results Sets by selecting Manage from the ribbon, which displays a dialog box that displays all the available Result Sets within the Simergy file that are available for selection (shown below).  

Image: Selecting the Manage button from the ribbon displays a dialog box showing all the Result Sets that are available in the Simergy file.  This case shows a number of different Result Sets for the Baseline Design Simulation Configurations as well as for the Simulation Configurations for each of the other two Design Alternatives.  Each checkbox is a different Result Set.








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