
Location = Libraries/Controls and Performance Data/Controllers

EnergyPlus = Group-Controllers


Simergy in 3s Reminder:


The Controllers Libraries Workspace is where the user can review and create a number of different types of controllers enabling different control schemes to be incorporated in the BEM.  Controllers can reference either Control Schemes, Control Scheme Lists or Schedules, so the user should pay close attention to the properties for the Type and Sub Type selected.  For example, the following Controller Type and Sub Type combinations reference Control Scheme Lists:

Users can specify controllers in different locations in Simergy.  Common locations include:


Each Type in the Type and Sub Type table contains a section that displays a screenshot of the Property Values Table showing the properties associated with the Type and Sub Type.  In the case where the Sub Types have the same properties only one example of the Property Values table is shown.  See Property Values Table to learn about how to interact with the table.

Note: Although not yet fully implemented the intent is that for each section there will be links directly to the EnergyPlus Input Output Reference.  In addition the links will also be included in the Type and Sub Type Mapping Table.

Type and Sub Type Mapping

The table displays the Controller Type and Sub Type options that can be selected from the drop down lists in that area of the workspace, which filter the Source Library to display the variables the user can select to include, along with a value, in a Library Entry.  

Note: The links within the table are to the EnergyPlus Input Output Reference and the explanations of the objects.


 Type Options Sub Type Options EnergyPlus Objects (IO Reference links)
Air Flow Scheduled Setpoint
Warmest Temperature Flow
Air Temperature Coldest Zone reset
FollowOutdoorAir Temperature
Follow System Node TEmperature
Mixed Air
Outdoor Air Rest
Return Air Bypass Flow
Scheduled Setpoint
Warmest Temperature FLow
Warmest Zone Reset
Zone AverageCoolingLoadReset
Shading Control Default WindowProperty:ShadingControl
Daylighting Standard Daylighting:Controls
Humidity AveragedZoneMaximumHumidity
Zone Control Humidity Humidistat ZoneControl:Humidistat
Zone Control Temperature Thermostat
Thermostat Thermal Comfort
Outdoor Air Economizer Control
Mechanical Ventilation Contaminant Control
Economizer with Demand Controlled Ventilation
On_Off SingleZone_OneStageCooling
Operation Manager Plant Loop OperationManager:Controller
Water Temperature ChilledReturn
Thermal Storage Thermal Energy Storage Tank Controller:ThermalStorage


Shading Control (Type)

On_off (Sub Type)

Heating_Cooling Loads (Sub Type)

Window Temp_Solar (Sub Type)

WindowProperty: Shading Control (Property Category)

Note: All three sub types have the same properties available (see table above), however they have different selection options for Shading Control Type that are outlined in the table below.

Window shading with coverings like drapes, blinds, screens or pull-down shades can be used to reduce the amount of solar radiation entering the window or reduce daylighting glare. It can also be used to reduce heat loss through the window (movable insulation). Leaving the window covering open in the winter can maximize solar heat gain and thereby reduce heating loads.


Specify the type and location of the shading device, what variable or combination of variables controls deployment of the shading device, and what the control setpoint is. If the shading device is a blind, you also specify how the slat angle is controlled.


A shading device can be inside the window (Shading Type = InteriorShade or InteriorBlind), outside the window (Shading Type = ExteriorShade or ExteriorBlind), or between panes of glass (Shading Type = BetweenGlassShade or BetweenGlassBlind). The exception is window screens which can only be outside the window (Shading Type = ExteriorScreen).

When a shading device is present it is either retracted or activated. When it is retracted it covers none of the window. When it is activated it covers the entire glazed part of the window (but not the frame). Whether the shading device is retracted or activated in a particular timestep depends on the control mechanism. To model a case in which the shading device, when activated, covers only part of the window you will have to divide the window into two separate windows, one with the shading device and one without the shading device.


A shading device can also be of a kind in which the optical properties of the glazing switch from one set of values to another in order to increase or decrease solar or visible transmittance (Shading Type = SwitchableGlazing).



Shading Type

The type of shading device. The choices are:

Note: For Shading Type = SwitchableGlazing the state of the window is either clear (unswitched) or dark (fully switched) for all Shading Control Types except MeetDaylightIlluminanceSetpoint. In this case, the transmittance of the glazing is adjusted to just meet the daylight illuminance set point at the first daylighting reference point (Daylighting must be active). This type of control assures that there is just enough solar gain to meet the daylighting requirements in a zone, and no more, thus reducing the cooling load.


Selection: Switchable Glazing

An example of switchable glazing  is electrochromic glazing in which the transmittance and reflectance of the glass is controlled electronically. For example, you could have electrochromic glazing switch from clear (high transmittance) to dark (low transmittance) to control solar gain. The dark (low transmittance) state is defined by the "Construction with Shading Name" property selection (next field done), while the clear (high transmittance) state is defined by the


If you choose the Shading Type = SwitchableGlazing option for Window:ShadingControl, the unswitched (clear) state is specified by the Construction referenced by the window and the switched (dark) state is specified by the Construction referenced by WindowProperty:ShadingControl for that window. For example, if you specify Shading Type = SwitchableGlazing and Shading Control Type = OnIfHighSolarOnWindow, then the glazing will switch to the dark state whenever the solar radiation striking the window exceeds the Setpoint value.


For Shading Type = SwitchableGlazing the state of the window is either clear (unswitched) or dark (fully switched) for all Shading Control Types except MeetDaylightIlluminanceSetpoint. In this case, the transmittance of the glazing is adjusted to just meet the daylight illuminance set point at the first daylighting reference point (see Daylighting). This type of control assures that there is just enough solar gain to meet the daylighting requirements in a zone, and no more, thus reducing the cooling load



Shading Control Type

Specifies how the shading device is controlled for the different sub type selections, i.e., it determines whether the shading device is “on” or “off.” For blinds, screens and shades, when the device is “on” it is assumed to cover all of the window except its frame; when the device is “off” it is assumed to cover none of the window (whether “on” or “off” the shading device is assumed to cover none of the wall that the window is on).


For switchable glazing, “on” means that the glazing is in the fully-switched state and “off” means that it is in the unswitched state; for example, for electrochromic glazing, “on” means the glazing is in its darkest state and “off” means it is in its lightest state.


The choices for Shading Control Type are the following. If SetPoint is applicable its units are shown in parentheses.

Note: For exterior window screens AlwaysOn, AlwaysOff, and OnIfScheduleAllows are the only valid shading control types.

The following six control types are used primarily to reduce zone cooling load due to window solar gain.

Note: Additional combinations of the options described below are included in the drop down list as well.

The following two control types can be used to reduce zone heating and cooling load. They are applicable to any Shading Type except ExteriorScreen but are most appropriate for translucent interior or exterior shades with high insulating value ("translucent movable insulation").

The following control types can be used to reduce zone cooling load. They are applicable to any Shading Type except ExteriorScreen but are most appropriate for interior or exterior blinds, interior or exterior shades with low insulating value, or switchable glazing.

Note: Unlike other Shading Control Types, glare control is active whether or not a schedule is specified.


Shading Control Is Scheduled

Accepts values YES and NO. The default is NO. Not applicable for Shading Control Type = OnIfHighGlare and should be blank in that case.

If YES, Schedule Name is required and that schedule determines whether the shading control specified by Shading Control Type is active or inactive (see Schedule Name, above).

If NO, Schedule Name is not applicable (should be blank) and the shading control is unscheduled.

Shading Control Is Scheduled = YES is required if Shading Control Type = OnIfScheduleAllows.

Glare Control Is Active

Accepts values YES and NO. The default is NO.

If YES and the window is in a daylit zone, shading is on if the zone's discomfort glare index exceeds the maximum discomfort glare index specified in the Daylighting object referenced by the zone. For switchable windows with MeetDaylightIlluminanceSetpoint shading control, if Glare Control is active, the windows are always continuously dimmed as necessary to meet the zone’s maximum allowable DGI while providing appropriate amount of daylight for the zone.


The glare test is OR'ed with the test specified by Shading Control Type. For example, if Glare Control Is Active = YES and Shading Control Type = OnIfHighZoneAirTemp, then shading is on if glare is too high OR if the zone air temperature is too high.


Glare Control Is Active = YES is required if Shading Control Type = OnIfHighGlare.




Daylighting Controller (Type)

Standard (Sub Type)

Daylighting:Controls (Property Category)

In this method daylighting illuminance levels are calculated and then used to determine how much the electric lighting can be reduced. The daylight illuminance level in a zone depends on many factors, including sky condition; sun position; calculation point; location, size, and glass transmittance of windows; window shading devices; and reflectance of interior surfaces. Reduction of electric lighting depends on daylight illuminance level, illuminance set point, fraction of zone controlled and type of lighting control.



Daylighting Method


Availability Schedule Name

Determines the Daylighting Controls Schedule, which is defined by the schedule created in Libraries/Controls and Performance Data/Schedules .


Lighting Control Type

The type of overhead electric lighting control. All reference points specified are assumed to have this type of control.

Example of a Stepped Lighting Control System with Three Steps

Daylight illuminance

Fraction of lights that are on







600 and above



Minimum Input Power Fraction for Continuous Dimming Control

For Lighting Control Type = 1 (continuous), the lowest power the lighting system can dim down to, expressed as a fraction of maximum input power (see figure, below). For Lighting Control Type = 3 (continuous/off) this is the power fraction reached just before the lights switch off completely.

Minimum Light Output Fraction for Continuous Dimming Control

For Lighting Control Type = 1 (continuous), the lowest lighting output the lighting system can dim down to, expressed as a fraction of maximum light output (see figure, above). This is the fractional light output that the system produces at minimum input power. For Lighting Control Type = 3 (continuous/off) this is the power fraction reached just before the lights switch off completely.


Glare Calculation Daylighting Reference Point Name


Glare Calculation Azimuth Angle of View Direction Clockwise from Zone y-Axis

Daylight glare from a window depends on occupant view direction. It is highest when you look directly at a window and decreases as you look away from a window. This field specifies the view direction for calculating glare. It is the angle, measured clockwise in the horizontal plane, between the zone y-axis and the occupant view direction.

Maximum Allowable Discomfort Glare Index

If a daylit zone has windows with shading devices (except exterior screens), the shades will be deployed if the daylight glare at the First Reference Point exceeds the value of this field. To get this type of glare control you have to specify Glare Control for the library type (Window Shading Control Type) for one or more windows in the zone (see WindowProperty:ShadingControl).


If a zone has two or more windows with glare control, the shading devices will be deployed one by one in the order in which the windows are input until the glare level at each reference point falls below Maximum Allowable Discomfort Glare Index or is as close as possible to it.



Zone Control Humidity

Humidistat (Sub Type)

ZoneControl:Humidistat (Property Category)


Humidifying relative Humidity Setpoint Schedule Name

Dehumidifying relative Humidity Setpoint Schedule Name


FaultModel:HumidistatOffset (Property Category)


Humidistat Offset Type

Availability Schedule Name

Severity Schedule Name

Reference Humidistat Offset

related Thermostat Offset Fault Name




Zone Control Temperature

Thermostat (Sub Type)

ZoneControl:Thermostat (Property Category)



Air Temperature

Warmest Temperature Flow (Sub Type)

ZoneControl:Contaminant Control (Property Category)


Outdoor Air

Economizer Control (Sub Type)

Controller:OutdoorAir (Property Category)


Mechanical Ventilation

Economizer Demand Controlled Ventilation (Sub Type)

Controller:MechanicalVentilation (Property Category)


Air Flow

Scheduled Setpoint (Sub Type)

Controller:AirTemperature (Property Category)


Water Temperature

Hot Return(Sub Type)

Controller:WaterTemperature (Property Category)



Operation Manager

Plant Loop (Sub Type)

OperationManager:Controller (Property Category)


Controller Scheme 1


Thermal Storage

Thermal Energy Storage Tank (Sub Type)

OperationManager:ThermalStorage(Property Category)


Controller Scheme 1



© Copyright 2013 Simergy, Sustainable IQ, Inc.