Control Scheme List

Location = Libraries/Controls and Performance Data/Cntl Scheme Lists


Simergy in 3s Reminder:


Note: Although not yet fully implemented the intent is that for each section there will be links directly to the EnergyPlus Input Output Reference.  In addition the links will also be included in the Type and Sub Type Mapping Table.

Type and Sub Type Mapping

The  Type and Sub Type options that can be selected from the drop down lists in that area of the workspace, which filter the Source Library to display the variables the user can select to include, along with a value, in a Library Entry.


 Type Options Sub Type Options EnergyPlus Objects (IO Reference links)

Scheme List



Scheme List (Type)

Plant Operating Scheme (Sub Type)


Control Scheme <#> Name

This alpha field contains the identifying name given to the control scheme. These must be the named versions of the referenced Control Scheme (e.g.. a Uncontrolled Loop Operation with this name or a Cooling or Heating Load Range Based Operation with this name).

Control Scheme <#> Schedule

This alpha field contains the schedule name for the control scheme. This schedule consists of weeks and days, with the days containing “0 or 1” for each hour of the day. This binary schedule (0 for off, 1 for on) determines if the control scheme is operating for that hour of day or not.


Condenser Operating Scheme (Sub Type)

Control Scheme <#> Name

This alpha field contains the identifying name given to the control scheme.

Control Scheme <#> Schedule

This alpha field contains the schedule name for the control scheme. This schedule consists of weeks and days, with the days containing “0 or 1” for each hour of the day. This binary schedule (0 for off, 1 for on) determines which control scheme is operating for a particular hour. The schedule facilitates daily or seasonal changes in control schemes to meet demand side management or energy conservation goals.

Tip: Scheduling conflicts are handled by selecting the first available scheme in order of appearance in the list.


Air Loop Availability Manager Scheme (Sub Type)


Availability Manager<x>  Name

The name of a AvailabilityManager object defined elsewhere in the input file.


Demand Manager Scheme (Sub Type)

The DemandManagerAssignmentList is a high level control that makes demand limiting decisions based on a list of possible demand limiting strategies. Each demand limiting strategy is described as a separate DemandManager.


Each DemandManagerAssignmentList monitors and demand limits one meter. Only electricity meters are currently allowed. In many cases, the meter will be Electricity:Facility. A schedule and safety factor are used to set the demand limit above which the DemandManagers become activated. The billing month schedule and demand window are also taken into account when calculating the demand limit.

DemandManagers in the list are activated based on the Demand Manager Priority. If the Sequential option is used, each manager in the list is activated in sequence from first to last until demand is reduced below the limit or until all managers are activated. If the All option is used, all managers are activated simultaneously to achieve the maximum demand reduction.

A DemandManager is skipped if it cannot reduce the demand. Possible reasons that a manager cannot reduce demand include:

§  not enough load to limit

§  not available because of its Availability Schedule

§  already activated; load limited during a previous timestep.



Meter Name

Demand Limit Schedule Name

The reference to the schedule object specifying the target demand limits [schedule values should be in Watts].

Demand Limit Safety Fraction

This field is a multiplier that is applied to the target demand limit (above). When the metered demand exceeds (target demand limit * safety fraction), the DemandManagers begin to limit the demand. This helps to ensure that the target limit is not exceeded.

Billing Period Schedule Name

The reference to the schedule object that defines the monthly billing periods. The peak demand during the peak period of the billing period typically determines the demand charge. This should reference the same schedule that is used in the Month Schedule Name field of the UtilityCost:Tariff object. If left blank, it defaults to the regular divisions between months.

Peak Period Schedule Name

The reference to the schedule object that defines the peak/off-peak time-of-use periods. The peak demand during the peak period of the billing period typically determines the demand charge. This should reference the same schedule that is used in the Time of Use Period Schedule Name field of the UtilityCost:Tariff object. A value of 1 indicates the peak period; any other value is off-peak. If left blank, it defaults to always on the peak period. The DemandManagerAssignmentList only attempts to demand limit during peak periods.

Demand Window Length

This field is similar to the field of the same name in the UtilityCost:Tariff object. However, the user may not want to limit using the same demand window as the utility company. This field allows the user to input the number of minutes over which to calculate the current demand. The minutes are rounded to match the nearest multiple of time steps.

Demand Manager Priority

This field indicates what logic should be used to activate the individual DemandManagers in the list. Sequential treats the list of DemandManagers as a sequential priority list, i.e., the first DemandManager in the list is activated first, then the second, etc., until the demand falls below the limit. All activates all demand managers to achieve the maximum demand reduction.

Demand Manager Type [1-10]

The key word defining the type of DemandManager.



© Copyright 2013 Simergy, Sustainable IQ, Inc.