System Templates Workspace

The System Templates Workspace is set up in a similar way to the Systems Diagram Workspace, because it allows you to create templates of Zone HVAC Groups, and air and water loops that can be utilized to build the different loops.

There are six System Template types:

  1. Zone HVAC Groups - defines the zone equipment (air terminals, controllers, plenum, sensors, zone equipment) and properties, configuration and controls for a Zone HVAC Group that can be used to define the demand side for an air loop.
  2. Chilled Water Loops - defines the components and their properties, the loop configuration, parameters and loop level controls for the supply side of a chilled water loop
  3. Condenser Loops - defines the components and their properties, the loop configuration, parameters and loop level controls for the supply side of a condenser loop
  4. Air Loops - defines the components and their properties, the loop configuration, parameters and loop level controls for the supply side of an air loop
  5. Hot Water Loops - defines the components and their properties, the loop configuration, parameters and loop level controls for the supply side of a hot water loop
  6. Mixed Water Loops - defines the components and their properties, the loop configuration, parameters and loop level controls for the supply side of a mixed water loop

The typical System Templates Workspace contains the fields:

  1. Templates can be selected from the drop down list, created, or edited and renamed

  2. HVAC Diagramming Shapes and Stencils provide a graphic and a descriptive name for the different Simergy shapes that are available to the user to create or edit a loop diagram on the HVAC Diagramming Canvas.  The user can select a shape and drag and drop it onto the canvas.  The user can select the other available stencils to view other shapes that are available.

  3. Component Properties is where the properties are displayed and can be edited when the user selects a component on the HVAC Diagramming Canvas.

  4. HVAC Diagramming Canvas is where the loop diagram can be created, viewed or interactively edited.  The canvas is divided into two sections by the vertical line, the supply side and the demand side.

  5. Air Loop Parameters or Water Loop Parameters provides a table that displays what properties and values are included within the template selected or the one being edited or created.  Also in this palette are Loop Level Controls - which allow the user to set priorities for selected objects for Plant Operation Schemes, Availability Managers, Demand Managers and other Loop Level Control types. 

System Templates

The topic of System Templates includes Zone HVAC, Air, Hot Water, Chilled Water, Condenser Water and Mixed Water templates.  A complete HVAC System in Simergy can be comprised of different types of these System Templates.  The number and type of system templates that may be required to define a comprehensive HVAC system will be dependent on the component shapes that are incorporated in the template selections.  For example, if a user creates a Zone HVAC Group that uses a Zone HVAC template with radiant floor and ceiling shapes included, then the system will at least need one hot water loop and one chilled water loop in addition to the air loop.  To set up the HVAC system design the user needs to do work in a few different workspaces within the Systems tab of the interface.


HVAC Systems with Simergy can be developed by users in different ways:


A set of HVAC System Templates are packaged with Simergy, and a user can customize and/or create their own by changing the loop diagram configuration and saving the template as the same name or creating a new one.  The system templates can be created, edited and selected in different ways.

Note: Different from other types of templates that are made of up of different library entities, System Templates are comprised of shape components that are linked together, the properties assigned to those shape components and the Loop Level Controls that are defined.  This is consistent across the six types of System Templates (Air Loops, Chilled Water Loops, Condenser Loops, Hot Water Loops, Mixed Water Loops and  Zone HVAC Groups)

Example:  Zone HVAC Templates - if the user has zones or groups of zones with zone equipment to associate with the model they will need to go to the Create/Edit workspace in the Zone HVAC Group portion of the ribbon.    Once the zone groups have been created and thermal zones added to them, then the Zone HVAC template can be selected from the drop down list in the Templates column.  If the pre-defined Zone HVAC template "VAV with Reheat + Fan Coil" is selected, then when the user goes to the diagram workspace they will see that there are two components with off-page references; a Variable Air Volume (VAV) terminal unit with a reheat coil and a fan coil component shape that has both HW and CHW sets of ports.  


Workspace Field Viewing Controls

Field Edge Controls  

Allow the user to:

o   Expand the workspace field vertically, which compresses the other fields in that column.

o   Close the workspace field, which expands the other fields in that workspace column

Drag to Resize

Vertically and Horizontally allows the user to position the cursor on either the horizontal border between two workspace fields or on the vertical border between two workspace field and drag up/down or right/left to resize the workspace fields.






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