Import/Export Workspaces

Import Workspace

The workspace that provides you the ability to import IFC2x3, IDF and GBXML.  This is where the BIM to BEM magic starts...


Tip: importing a DWG/DXF file into Simergy can be done from the 2d Building Canvas view in the Buildings tab.



View of the Import Workspace with main work areas numbered:


Main workspace areas:


Area 1:  Project/Component Tree (top left) - displays the tree for the current Design Alternative and allows the user to see the connections for the different components of the model.  




Area 2:  Locate Design Data To Import (bottom left) - Browse to the desired file to select and begin the import process.  Once a file is selected the path will be displayed in the Importing From field, and the next step is to select Import Design Data.  



Selecting launches a browser that you can use to locate the desired file to Import


Importing From

Once you have selected a file and closed the browser, the file path for the file will appear in this field.  


Import Design Data

Becomes active once a file for import has been selected.  When you select the button it launches a three step Import Design Data process, which includes Converting Data, Creating References, and Transforming Data.  When complete a "model imported successfully" message will appear.




Area 3:  Import/Export Model - Initially this field will be empty, but it becomes populated with a tree for the model being imported once the Import Design Data process is complete.  By selecting on different items within the tree, such as Building and the different floors, parameter information will be displayed in the Import Model Data area.  At this stage in the import process the imported file is not yet a part of the Simergy model, and you can review it prior to deciding to Copy to Project Model.   


Copy to Project Model

Selecting this button launches the final step in the import process for all three of the file types (IFC2x3, IDF and GBXML).  




Area 4:  Import Model Data - the field where contextual information is provided for the model being imported.  The information displayed depends on what items within the project tree are selected and what information the imported model contains.




Area 5:  3d imported model view  and File Header Information - displays an interactive view of the 3d model that is being imported to enable a 'visual review' and also displays an interactive view of the 3d model after the import process has been completed.  The main difference between these two states is that after the import process has been completed the user can select the Simulation View check box to visualize the layout of Space Boundaries within the model.

3D View

The default import model view, which displays the imported geometry in 3d.

Simulation View

The checkbox allows you to display the space boundaries in 3d view for the imported model.  Default is Simulation View = Off


The checkbox allows you to display the grid on the ground plane or not.  Default is Grid = On.

Plan View

Selecting the tab (top left of area) displays the first floor and the associated spaces for the imported model.  

Zoom All

Allows you to zoom to the extents of the model in both the Plan View and the 3D View.



File Header Information

Provides basic file information for the Imported file.  All of the fields are related to the Imported File itself, which may or may not contain  information.  

Note:  All fields may not be filled in.

File Name

The name for the file that you selected to Import will automatically be filled in here.


Typically will only be populated for IFC files.  Reminder: Only IFC2X3 files can be imported into Simergy

Model View

Typically will only be populated for IFC files.  Reminder: Only IFC2X3 files can be imported into Simergy

Creating Application

The name of the application that the file was created in.

Created By

Provides the name of the author of the imported file.

Creation Date

Provides the timestep for when the imported file was created.




Export Workspace

The workspace provides the user the ability to export a Simergy model in Industry Foundation Class (IFC) version 2.3 and Input Data File (IDF) formats.


View of the Import Workspace with main work areas numbered:



Main workspace areas:


Area 1: Active Project Model Tree (top left) - displays the tree for the current model.  


Copy to Import/Export model

Export Model Step 1- The export process is initiated by the user selecting Copy to Import/Export Model, which populates the Import/Export Model field with a tree that can be used to interrogate the information included in the model, and a 3d view of the current model appears.





Area 2: Export Project Design Data (bottom left) - Export Model Step 2 - once you have reviewed the information that will be exported with the model you can select Export Design Data.  A browser will appear allowing you to select the location for the exported file, and provide a name for the file.    



The file can be saved as one of three types:

Export Model Step 3 - Once a location, filename and file type is specified, click Save


After the export process is complete, a dialog will appear stating that the process has been successfully completed





Area 3: Import/Export Model (middle top) - Initially this field will be empty, but it becomes populated with a tree identifying relevant components once Copy to Import/Export Model has been selected.  By selecting on different items within the tree, such as Building and the different floors, parameter information depicting detail of what will be exported will be displayed in the Import Model Data field.  




Area 4: Import/Export Model Data (middle bottom) - the field where detailed information is displayed once the user has selected a component from the Import/Export Model tree in the field above.  For example the user can select on building floors, hot water loops, chilled water loops and other selections to view additional detail of the export.




Area 5: 3d Exported model view and Export Data Header Information - displays an interactive view of the 3d model that will be exported to enable a 'visual review' of the model in addition to the investigations of information in the Import/Export Model Data field.


3D View

The default import model view, which displays the imported geometry in 3d.

Simulation View

The checkbox allows you to display the space boundaries in 3d view for the imported model.  Default is Simulation View = Off


The checkbox allows you to display the grid on the ground plane or not.  Default is Grid = On.

Plan View

Selecting the tab (top left of area) displays the first floor and the associated spaces for the imported model.  

Zoom All

Allows you to zoom to the extents of the model in both the Plan View and the 3D View.




Export Data Header Information

Provides basic file information for the Imported file.  All of the fields are related to the Imported File itself, which may or may not contain  information.  Note:  All fields may not be filled in.

Exporting Application

The name of the program that the file is being exported from.  Simergy will always appear in this field.

Application Version

The version of Simergy the file is being exported from.

Created By

Provides the name of the author of the exported file.  Default = Simergy User

Creation Date

Provides the timestep for when the exported file was created.   Example = 6/15/2017 2:08:02 PM


Workspace Guide




© Copyright 2013 Simergy, Sustainable IQ, Inc.