Location: Multiple Workspaces in Simergy. Located in the upper left side of the workspace.
The components displayed in a Tree within a Simergy project is dependent upon a few things:
What Design Alternative is active? Only one tree is displayed at one time within Simergy. If the user has multiple design alternative included in a Simergy project, they will need to go to the Design Alternatives Workspace (if they are in another workspace) and select another Design Alternative to have it's Project Tree become active.
What has been constructed within the BEM. The more that is incorporated into the BEM, such as building geometry, thermal zones, zone groups, Zone HVAC Groups, system loops, Simulation configurations, etc., the more that will be displayed within the Tree.
The ability to drag and drop components, such as Spaces or Thermal Zones can be done in multiple locations and applications in Simergy.
Example: In the Systems/Zone HVAC Groups/Create Edit Workspace the user can highlight a single thermal zone or a number of thermal zones (holding down CTRL while selecting) in the Tree and then drag them onto the name of the desired Zone HVAC Group in the Zone HVAC Group Configuration Table. The result is that they will be added to the Zone HVAC Group displayed in the table, but they will also be added to the Tree. If the user expands the Zone HVAC Groups section, under Building Systems, and then expands the Zone HVAC Group, they will see the Thermal Zones listed there as well.
When users have dragged and dropped and/or assigned thermal zones to different group types (Zone Grouping, Zone Daylighting, Zone Natural Ventilation, ZoneHVAC Groups) letters will appear behind the thermal zone name, so that the user can assess which zones have been assigned to which groups by just looking at the Project Tree. The abbreviations used for the Group Types are:
The image below shows the different group type designations that are displayed when a thermal zone has been assigned to different group types. It also reinforces that a single thermal zone can be assigned to all the group types or it can be assigned to only one or two, it is dependent on how it is useful to the user to leverage the Group capabilities to manage the BEM inputs.
If the user selects a building, story or space from the Tree it will become the focus of the 2D plan view.
Example: Building Story 1 ("1st FLOOR") is selected and the floor is the focus in the 2D Plan view.
By selecting a component and right clicking the user is potentially provided the option to select a parent and/or children that are related to the previous selection. It is dependent upon the component that was selected. By selecting one of the options that component will become highlighted.
The user needs to select the desired building, floor, space or other, right click and select Isolate the selected objects. This will hide all other geometry other than the selection for the 3d and 2d views that are displayed in the workspace.
The user needs to select the desired building, floor, space or other, right click and select Hide. This will hide the current selection for the 3d and 2d views that are displayed in the workspace, while all other geometry will be displayed.
The user will be able to edit any selected building component if in the workspace in which that component is created. In the case of a Building Story being selected, the user will have to be in the Buildings/Create-Edit Bldg Stories Workspace to actively make edits to the selection.
The user needs to select the desired building, floor, space or other, right click and select Delete. The user will then be prompted by a message asking if they are sure they want to delete the selection. If "Yes" is selected the selection is deleted. If "No" is selected the user returns to the BEM.
The user needs to select the desired building, floor, space or other, right click and select Properties. A pop-up dialog displaying the SimSpace properties will be shown.
The following features are available when the user selects a Building Systems component, such as a Zone HVAC Group, Air Loop or Water Loop
The user needs to select the desired building systems component, right click and select Diagram System. The user will then be taken to the Systems/Diagram Workspace (depends on if a Zone HVAC Group, Air Loop or Water Loop are selected), and the selection will be active for editing.
The user needs to select the desired building systems component, right click and select Edit System. The user will then be taken to the Systems/Create-Edit Workspace (depends on if a Zone HVAC Group or System Loop is selected), and the selection will be active for editing.
The user needs to select the desired building systems component, right click and select Delete. The user will then be prompted by a message asking if they are sure they want to delete the selection. If "Yes" is selected the selection is deleted. If "No" is selected the user returns to the BEM.
The user needs to select the desired building systems component, right click and select Properties. A pop-up dialog displaying the properties will be shown.
© Copyright 2013 Simergy, Sustainable IQ, Inc.