VRF Loops - Create/Edit

Workspace:  Systems/ Water Loops/Create-Edit




Creates a new VRF Loop and a new row in the table.



The selected row is deleted along with any previous information that had been assigned to it.


Loop ID

A default name composed of the 3 letter abbreviation "VRF" + Loop + a sequential number starting with one (1).



The user can include a description with each  VRFLoop by typing the desired descriptive text in this field.  The description is automatically saved with the  VRFLoop, a save is not required.


VRF Loop Templates

The user can select an VRF Loop Template from the drop down list to associate with the  VRF Loop.  The selections available depend on what is available in the Source Library.  The user can create  VRF Loop Templates in the Templates Workspace.


Selecting Rows in the VRFLoop Table

By selecting a different VRF loop type row in the table, the workspace areas update in the following ways: