Libraries - Material/Glazing Layers

Location = Libraries/Materials and Assemblies/Material-Glazing Layers


The library entries within this category serve one purpose.  They provide the layer thickness to the material types specified in the Materials Library Category.

Type and Sub Type Mapping

The Type and Sub Type options that can be selected from the drop down lists in that area of the workspace, which filter the Source Library to display the variables the user can select to include, along with a value, in a Library Entry.

Note: The links within the table are to the EnergyPlus Input Output Reference providing additional detailed explanation of the EnergyPlus objects.


Type Options Sub Type Options EnergyPlus Objects (IO Reference links)

Opaque Material Layer



Glazing Material Layer





Equiv Glazing Material Layer




Opaque Material Layer (Type)

Default (Sub Type)

Material Name

[drop down list] User selects which of the material library entries they will be defining a thickness for to create the Material Layers library entry for.

Layer Thickness

This field characterizes the thickness of the material layer in meters. This should be the dimension of the layer in the direction perpendicular to the main path of heat conduction. This value must be a positive.


Glazing Material Layer (Type)

Default (Sub Type)

Material Name

[drop down list] User selects which of the material library entries they will be defining a thickness for to create the Glazing Layers library entry for.

Layer Thickness

This field characterizes the thickness of the material layer in meters. This should be the dimension of the layer in the direction perpendicular to the main path of heat conduction. This value must be a positive.


Thermochromic (Sub Type)


Optical Data Temperature [1-45]


Window Material Glazing Name [1-45]


Layer Thickness

This field characterizes the thickness of the material layer in meters. This should be the dimension of the layer in the direction perpendicular to the main path of heat conduction. This value must be a positive.

Equivalent Glazing Material Layer (Type)


Default (Sub Type)


Material Layer Name


Material Name

[drop down list] User selects which of the material library entries they will be defining a thickness for to create the Glazing Layers library entry for.

Layer Thickness

This field characterizes the thickness of the material layer in meters. This should be the dimension of the layer in the direction perpendicular to the main path of heat conduction. This value must be a positive.







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