File - Options

The pop-up dialog box has nine (9) main feature areas that allow users to adjust global settings for the Simergy Building Energy Models (BEMs):

These buttons will be available at the bottom of most of the feature areas:


Feature Areas

User Interface Measure Units

Controls all the units of measure and rounding precision for each unit that is displayed in the Simergy interface.



Unit Behavior

Simergy has the capability to display both Imperial (IP) and SI units, and the user can change the units of a model at any time by selecting File/Options and changing the User Interface Measure Units.  The different Simergy workspaces, including Results Visualization conform to this global parameter.  So, if a user changes the units it will change in all the Simergy workspaces.

Note: EnergyPlus only runs on SI units, so all IP units within a Simergy file are converted to SI units before the simulation is run.  

Units in Simergy Files

When a user starts a new model in Simergy, IP units is the default.  

When a user opens an existing Simergy model the units will be the units that the model was saved with previously.  Example - if the project was last saved with SI units, when a user goes back to open that file, SI units will be the active units.


SI Units - Imperial Units

By selecting the radio buttons the user can toggle between SI units for all the units of measure or Imperial Units.  The default is Imperial units, but by selecting SI Units all the units of measure in the table change to SI units, however the Rounding Precision values remain the same.


Units of Measure

The table displays all the units of measure included in Simergy, the Imperial Unit default selection (bold) and other options, the SI Unit default selection  (bold)  and other options, and the number of decimal points displayed for the unit (Rounding Precision).

Unit of Measure Imperial Units SI Units Rounding Precision
Time sec; min; hour sec; min; hour 0
Length ft; inch; yard m; cm; mm 2
Area sq ft; sq in; sq yd m2; cm2; mm2 2
Volume cu ft; cu in; cu yd m3; cm3; mm3 2
Mass lbs; ounces; ton kg; g 2
Temperature F; C C; F 1
Solid Angle deg; rad deg; rad 1
Luminous Intensity lux; lux; 0
Electric Current Amp Amp 0
Volumetric Flow Rate (Gases) cfm; cubic yard per second (yd3/s) m3/s; cm3/s; mm3/s 1
Energy/Time Btu/h W 2
Mass per Energy lb/Btu Kg/j 2
Pressure psi Pa 2
Thermal Conductivity Btu-in/h-ft2-F W/m-K 2
Thermal Conductance Btu/h-F W/K 2
Temperature Difference deltaF deltaC 2
Absolute Temperature


K 2
Inverse Absolute Temperatures 1/R 1/K 2
Mass Flow Rate/Unit Power (kg/s)/W (kg/s)/W 2
Specific Enthalpy Btu/lb J/kg 2
Humidity Ratio lb-H2O/lb-air kg-H2O/kg-air 2
Density lb/ft3 kg/m3 2
Mass Flow Rate lb/s kg/s 2
Dynamic Viscosity lb/ft-s N-s/m2 2
Heat Transfer Coefficient Btu/h-ft2-F W/m2-K 2
Inverse Length 1/ft 1/m 2
Specific Heat Capacity Btu/lb-F J/kg-K 2
Volumetric Heat Capacity Btu/ft3-F J/m3-K 2
Velocity ft/min m/s 2
Thermal Insulance ft2-F-hr/Btu m2-K/W 2
Energy Flux Btu/h-ft2 W/m2 2
Entropy Btu/F J/K 2
Energy Density Btu/ft3 J/m3 2
Porosity ft3/ft3 m3/m3 2
Seebeck Coefficient V/F V/K 2
Volumetric Flow Rate/Unit Length cfm/ft m3/s-m 2
Heat Flux Btu/ft2-F Heat Capacity per unit 2
Cycling Rate cycles/hr Cycles/hr 2
Carbon Equivalent Emission Factor lb/lb kg/kg 2
Source Energy Factor Btu/Btu J/J 2
Volumetric Flow Rate/Unit Floor Area cfm/ft2 m3/s-m2 2
Volumetric Flow Rate/Person cfm/person m3/s-person 2
Emission Factor lb/MWh g/MJ 2
Volumetric Emission Factor (Liquids) gal/kWh L/MJ 2
Volumetric Emission Factor (Gases) ft3/kWh m3/MJ 2
Efficiency COP Btuh/Btuh W/W 2
Cost Per Unit Area Measure $/ft2 $/m2 2
Cost (US Dollars) Measure $ $ 2
Cost Per Unit Output  Capacity $/(kBtuh/h) $/kW 2
Cost Per Unit Volume $/ft2 $/m3 2
Cost Per Unit Thermal Conductance $/(Btu/h-F) $/(W/k) 2
Cost Per Unit Volume Rate $/(ft3/min) $/(m3/s) 2
Power Per Unit Length Btu/h-ft W/m 2
Temperature Gradient F/ft K/m 2
Rate of Change of Electric Power W/s W/s 2
Mass Chemical kmol kmol 2
Electrical Energy Wh J 2
Cooling Energy ton-hrs GJ 2
Surface Density lb/ft2 kg/m2 2
Rate of Change of Massflow Rate lb/s2 kg/s2 2
Molar Mass lb/mol g/mol 2
Specific Enthalpy Difference delta Btu/lb delta K/kg 2
Occupant Density person/ft2 person/m2 2
Floor Area Per Person ft2/person m2/person 2
Heat Rate Per Person Btu/person W/person 2
Volume Per Person ft3/person m3/person 2
Volumetric Flow Per Person ft3/hr-person m3/hr-person 2
Volume Per Unit Area ft3/ft2 m3/m2 2
Volumetric Flowrate Per Unit Area ft3/hr-ft2 m3/hr-m2 2
Stomatal Resistance


s/m 2
Area Per Unit Length ft2/ft m2/m 2
Volume Per Unit Energy pint/kWh L/kWh 2
Permeance lb/psi-s-ft2 kg/Pa-s-m2 2
Precipitation Rate inch/yr m/yr 2
Mode Index mode mode 2
Control Type Index control control 2
Availability availability availability 2
Rotational Speed rev/min rev/min 2
Power Per Unit Volumetric Flowrate W/(ft3/min) W/(m3/min) 2
Electric Power VA VA 2
Torque lbf-in


Carbon Dioxide Generation Rate ft2-h/min-Btu m3/s-W 2
Effective Leakage Area inch2 cm2 2
Refrigeration Charge Inventory lb/ft kg/m 2
Volumetric Flowrate (Liquids) gal/min gal/min 2
Electric Power Per Person W/Person W/person 2
Irradance Btu/ft2 W/m2 2
Resistance Per Unit Thickness ft-F-hr/Btu m-K/W 2
Short Length in mm 2
Evaporation Loss Factor percent/F percent/K 2
Electric Power Per Unit Floor Area W/ft2 W/m2 2


Rounding Precision

For any unit of measure the user can enter a specific value in the cell for the number of decimal places that unit of measure will display for Simergy.

Note: the default values for each unit of measure are included in the table above.



Model Measure Units

Controls all of the model measure units that are utilized by Simergy and EnergyPlus to do the simulation calculations.  



Model Measure Units

The table displays the model measure units included in Simergy, which are the basis for the calculations that the EnergyPlus analysis engine develops during the simulation.  The  table shows the model measure units and the default units.  In a number of cases the user cannot change the units because the EnergyPlus analysis engine currently requires this unit type to effectively develop the simulation.  The User Interface Measure Unit settings allow the user to adjust the units representation within the Simergy interface and results.


Unit of Measure SI Units
Time sec
Length mm
Area m2
Volume m3
Mass kg
Solid Angle deg
Luminous Intensity lux
Electric Current Amp
Volumetric Flow Rate (Gases) m3/s
Energy/Time W
Mass per Energy kg/j
Pressure Pa
Thermal Conductivity W/m-K
Thermal Conductance W/K
Temperature Difference deltaC
Absolute Temperature K
Inverse Absolute Temperatures 1/K
Mass Flow Rate/Unit Power (lbm/sec)/(Btu/hr)
Specific Enthalpy J/kg
Humidity Ratio kg-H2O/kg-air
Density kg/m3
Mass Flow Rate kg/s
Dynamic Viscosity N-s/m2
Heat Transfer Coefficient W/m2-K
Inverse Length 1/m
Specific Heat Capacity J/kg-K
Volumetric Heat Capacity J/m3-K
Velocity m/s
Thermal Insulance m2-K/W
Energy Flux W/m2
Entropy J/K
Energy Density J/m3
Porosity m3/m3
Seebeck Coefficient V/K
Volumetric Flow Rate/Unit Length m3/s-m
Heat Flux Heat Capacity per unit area
Cycling Rate Cycles/hr
Carbon Equivalent Emission Factor kg/kg
Source Energy Factor J/J
Volumetric Flow Rate/Unit Floor Area m3/s-m2
Volumetric Flow Rate/Person m3/s-person
Emission Factor g/MJ
Volumetric Emission Factor (Liquids) L/MJ
Volumetric Emission Factor (Gases) m3/MJ
Efficiency COP W/W
Cost Per Unit Area Measure $/m2
Cost (US Dollars) Measure $
Cost Per Unit Output  Capacity $/kW
Cost Per Unit Volume $/m3
Cost Per Unit Thermal Conductance $/(W/k)
Cost Per Unit Volume Rate $/(m3/s)
Power Per Unit Length W/m
Temperature Gradient K/m
Rate of Change of Electric Power W/s
Mass Chemical kmol
Electrical Energy J
Cooling Energy GJ
Surface Density kg/m2
Rate of Change of Massflow Rate kg/s2
Molar Mass g/mol
Specific Enthalpy Difference delta K/kg
Occupant Density person/m2
Floor Area Per Person m2/person
Heat Rate Per Person W/person
Volume Per Person m3/person
Volumetric Flow Per Person m3/hr-person
Volume Per Unit Area m3/m2
Volumetric Flowrate Per Unit Area m3/hr-m2
Stomatal Resistance s/m
Area Per Unit Length m2/m
Volume Per Unit Energy L/kWh
Permeance kg/Pa-s-m2
Precipitation Rate m/yr
Mode Index mode
Control Type Index control
Availability availability
Rotational Speed rev/min
Power Per Unit Volumetric Flowrate W/(m3/min)
Electric Power VA


Carbon Dioxide Generation Rate m3/s-W
Effective Leakage Area cm2
Refrigeration Charge Inventory kg/m
Volumetric Flowrate (Liquids) gal/min
Electric Power Per Person W/person
Irradance W/m2
Resistance Per Unit Thickness  
Short Length mm
Evaporation Loss Factor percent/K
Electric Power Per Unit Floor Area W/m2



Naming Patterns for Auto-Generated Objects

The default naming patterns for different object types in Simergy can be adjusted by selecting the object type from the table and editing the name and/or the pattern in the four fields below the table.



String 1

Displays the object type name.  The default name can be edited in this field after the user selects an option from the table


Index Type 1

The user can select either <Count#>, <Bldg#> or <Bldg Story#> from the drop down list.  By default one of the options is associated with each object type.  See table below.


String 2

The object name can be expanded by adding additional descriptive text.  Text added in this field will appear after Index Type 1 within the name.  This field is optional.


Index Type 2

The object name can be expanded by selecting <Count#>, <Bldg#> or <Bldg Story#> from the drop down list.  Text added in this field will appear after the text in String 2, if any has been entered, or will appear after Index Type 1 within the name.  This field is optional.


The default Naming Patterns for Simergy are:

Object Type Naming Patterns
Design Alternative Design Alternative -  <Count#>
Building Site Building Site -  <Count#>
Adjacent Building Site Adjacent Building Site -  <Count#>
Solar Obstruction Solar Obstruction -  <Count#>
Building Building - <Bldg#>
Building Story Building Story - <Bldg#>
Space Space - <Bldg#> - <Count#>
Plenum (above ceiling) Plenum (above ceiling) - <Bldg#> - <Count#>
Plenum (below floor) Plenum (below floor) - <Bldg#> - <Count#>
Thermal zone (spaces) Thermal zone (spaces) - <Bldg#> - <Count#>
Plenum zone (plenums) Plenum Zone (plenums) - <Bldg#> - <Count#>
Zone Group Zone Group -  <Count#>
Plenum Zone Group Plenum Zone Group -  <Count#>
Zone HVAC Group Zone HVAC Group -  <Count#>
HVAC component HVAC component -  <Count#>
HVAC component group HVAC component group -  <Count#>
Air Loop Air Loop -  <Count#>
Chilled Water Loop Chilled Water Loop -  <Count#>
Hot Water Loop Hot Water Loop -  <Count#>
Condenser Loop Condenser Loop -  <Count#>
Refrigeration Loop Refrigeration Loop -  <Count#>
Mixed Water Loop Mixed Water Loop -  <Count#> <Bldg#>
Zone DayLight Group Zone  DayLight Group -  <Count#>
Zone NatVent Group Zone NatVent Group -  <Count#>




User Interface Language

The language the interface can be selected from the available options.  Currently the available languages are English, French and Spanish.  English is the default language.








Auto-Save Settings

Functions as a  shadow-copy of your project while the user is working in a Simergy session.  During the session the shadow-copy of the Simergy file is saved for the time increment selected by the user in C:\Users\Public\Simergy\AutoSave.  When a Simergy Session is closed and the user has successfully closed out that session without problems, the shadow-copy of the Simergy file is deleted from the AutoSave folder.  If the session ends abnormally, the shadow-copy of the Simergy file remains and the user can recover the file by going to the AutoSave folder and opening the Simergy shadow-copy file.  


Turn Auto-save ON

A checkbox allowing the user to turn ON the auto-save feature.  By default it is turned OFF.


Auto-save Time Increment

The user can directly input and/or select a time increment from the drop-down list to set the Auto-save time increment that will be utilized


Utility Cost Entry

The user can choose whether utility costs are set using  decimal values or variable names


Model Standards Checking

The user can enable T24 code checking here.


Properties Dialog

Users can choose if property warnings will pop up and if only simple properties will be shown.





Library/Template Preferences

One main source library (Library.siml) is installed with Simergy version 1.  A maximum of (5) library option selections will be available to the user to select from within the drop down at any one time, which include the up to four libraries that can be defined and the library associated with the project model.  When the user makes a selection the "current library" changes and the library entities and templates that are available to the user change across the entire interface.



Related Topics - Source Library Content; How is a Source Library different from a Library Entry?;  How can I change the Source Library?


Simergy only allows for four libraries to be selected and active at one time.  The order of the four active libraries, which defines how they appear in the drop down list, can be selected at the bottom of the dialog box.  The available libraries that are listed above are the ones that will be available for selection in the Selected Libraries drop down list.  The user can change the name of the Library by editing the name in the Library File Name field.  Once the appropriate changes are made the user should hit Save.  If there is a desire to get back to the defaults the user can select Load Defaults or they can establish a new set of defaults by selecting Save As Defaults.


If the user wants to change the library options that are available in the Select Library drop down list they will need to go to File/Options to gain access to the dialog box shown, which defaults to the Library/Template Preferences.  The other options are listed in the left column, and the Project Options topic that appears initially depends on what the user’s location in the user interface is when they go to File/Options.


Available Libraries

Listed at the top table in a format of each library on a single row.  The local path of the library is listed.


Selected Libraries

Establishes the order that the available libraries will appear on the drop down list.  The default order is the same order that they are listed in the Available Libraries table above.  The user can change the order by selecting the drop down list icon next to the desired order number.  The list of available libraries will appear and the user can select a different library to place in that order slot on the list.  When a library is selected the defaut Library File Name associated with it will appear in that column.



Alternative for Source Library Selection

The selection of the Source Library determines what library entities and templates that the user has available.  The user can change the "Current Source Library" by either selecting a different Library from the drop down list on the lower right side edge control on the workspaces or by going to File/Options.






Model Creator Defaults

Here the user can change the default settings for the Create/Edit Buildings workspace




Simulation Defaults

Here the user can view the source, version, installation location and output file location of the simulation engines.




Standards Defaults

Here the user can change the default settings for various properties in the Standards tab.








© Copyright 2013 Simergy, Sustainable IQ, Inc.