FAQ: How is a Library and Library Entry Different?

Tip:  Some of the semantics within Simergy can be a bit confusing, so it is important to have a clear understanding of some key topics.  

A Library (referred to as Library Database later)  is at the top of the data chain.  It is a database that contains libraries, library entries and templates.  A Simergy BEM can have multiple Library Databases associated with it, and the user can switch between them by going to File/Options/Library and Template Preferences or the user can select from the Library drop down list typically located on the lower right of each workspace (see Library Setup and Control)


A Library Entry is a subset of the Library Database that has either been assembled and saved by the user or is a default Library Entry that comes with Simergy.  There are a significant number of Library Entries that are packaged with Simergy, so that the potential need for the user to go through the process of creating their own is reduced, however it is an option.  Within the Templates Workspace Library Entries can be selected to establish Templates.  


A key third part of this Data Structure is the Library Database itself, which contains a large amount of data that can be filtered by the user by selecting a Type and Sub Type for the Library Category that they are working in.  The result of the filtering process is a table of variables (Libraries Workspace) that may or may not have values associated with them.  The user can provide input values and remove variables from the filter set, but this set will not be able to be used on a project unless it is saved as a Library Entry.  


Note:  Remember that 'A Library'  contains Libraries, Library Entries and Templates.  A Template can contain Libraries, Library Entries and in some cases other Templates.




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