FAQ: How to Create an Output Request Set

Related:  Creating an Output Request; Creating an Output Request Sets


There are three key steps:

  1. Create the desired Output Requests (Libraries/Controls and Performance Data/Output Request)

  2. Create the Output Request Sets (Templates/Data Templates/Output Request Sets)

  3. Assign Output Request Set to Simulation Configuration (Simulate/Setup-Run/Configuration Table)

Creating a Single Output Request

Key steps include:

  1. User should identify the Object, Type and Sub Type they are interested in developing an Output Request Set for.  
  2. Make these selections from the Object, Type and Sub Type drop down lists.  When complete Output Variables will appear in the Output Library
  3. Select the checkbox next to the desired category on the EnergyPlus tab, which makes the Output Variables active
  4. Make Output Variable selections and include relevant additional information (value, frequency, etc)
  5. Enter a Library Entry Name
  6. Select Save.  The Library Entry name is now an option on the drop down list

Creating an Output Request Set

Key steps include:

  1. Assemble the set of Object Class, Type and Sub Types combinations that are desired (accompanying spreadsheet recommended)
  2. Go to Templates/Data Templates/Output Request Sets Workspace
  3. Make selections for each of the combinations of Object Class, Type and Sub Types and select Add to List.  The Output Variable is now added to the Output Request Sets table.
  4. Once all Output Variables are added to list, enter Template Name and select Save.

Assign to Simulation Configuration

Key steps include:

  1. Highlight the desired Simulation Configuration and/or Select New
  2. Select the desired Output Request Set from the drop down list in the Request Set column



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