Creating an Output Request

Related:  Creating an Output Request Set


Key steps include:

  1. User should identify the Object, Type and Sub Type they are interested in developing an Output Request Set for.  
  2. Make these selections from the Object, Type and Sub Type drop down lists.  When complete Output Variables will appear in the Output Library
  3. Select the checkbox next to the desired category on the EnergyPlus tab, which makes the Output Variables active
  4. Make Output Variable selections and include relevant additional information (value, frequency, etc)
  5. Enter a Library Entry Name
  6. Select Save.  The Library Entry name is now an option on the drop down list

Example:  To set up a Library Entry Named Condenser-Loop_1 for the condenser loop for the HVAC system that could be incorporated into an Output Request Set the steps above were completed using the selections as shown.  For the Output Library table the decision was made to have the values displayed for the selected TimeSeriesVariables, and in this case the frequency for all of them was set to Hourly.





Tip: A useful supplement tool for users developing and editing projects is to set up a spreadsheet that has four columns (object, type, sub type, library entry name).  This enables the user to maintain all the output request selections in one place that can make setting up Output Request Sets easier.  In addition, it will be useful for out Library categories as well.

Creating Multiple Output Requests

In most cases the user will need to create multiple output requests.  The process to complete each output request is no different than the example for the single Output Request described above, however the important aspect is for the user to bring some rigor to the process that has yet to be developed into this part of Simergy.  A powerful and flexible framework has been developed for the Libraries and Templates, however the refinement of the interface in this part of Simergy is slated for upcoming releases.  Therefore the following steps are recommended:

  1. Review the Simergy Output Request Matrix to determine which Output Variables are desired and what are the names of the Object, Type and Sub Type (the trio of selections) required.
  2. Develop a spreadsheet that logs the Trio of Selections for each desired Output Variable as well as the Library Entry Name that has been created or is already a part of the source library.  This allows the user to have all the information in one place that can make the process of creating an Output Request Set easier.

Note: Users will not need to create an Output Request Set for each Simergy project.  Users can set up a single or set of Output Requests Sets that could potentially be used across numerous Simergy projects.   




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