Water Summary Report

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The Water Summary Report contains three main parts:

  1. Average Rainfall Graph

  2. Average Amount of Water Table

  3. Water Source Summary Table


Average Rainfall Graph

Average Rainfall

The monthly bar graph displays the amount of average rainfall each month that is included with the weather file that was selected for the simulation.


Average Amount of Water Table

Average Rainfall

The monthly average rainfall totals in inches (cm) displayed in a table.  

Average Amount of Water

Volume of water based on the average rainfall.


Water Source Summary Table

A table that displays the 'water balance' sheet for the project.  It contains the amount collected, the amount stored, the amount used and the overall water end use.


EnergyPlus has a set of different objects related to water.  Some of these objects are required to be part of the Simergy model for the Water Source Summary table to be generated.  The EnergyPlus objects include:

Rainwater Collection

The amount of rainwater harvested that falls on building surfaces.

Condensate Collection

Volume of water that is collected from condensate water

Groundwater Well

Volume of water that is collected from groundwater

Total On Site Water Sources

all of the above

Initial Storage

Volume of water stored at the beginning of the simulation period

Final Storage

Volume of water stored at the end of the simulation period

Change in Storage

Change between the initial and final water

Water Supplied by Utility


Total On Site, Change in Storage, and Utility Water Sources


Total Water End Uses



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