Site Profile Summary

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The Site Profile Summary Report contains two main sections:

  1. Site HVAC Load Profile

  2. Site HVAC Hourly Load Distribution

Site HVAC Load Profile

The Site HVAC Load Profile displays the same set of data visually and in a table format.  The Average Outdoor Air Dry Bulb Temperature is plotted as a line graph, while the Heating and Cooling Loads are displayed as a columns.

Average Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature

The monthly average outdoor dry bulb temperature that is obtained from the location weather file.

Cooling Load

The monthly cooling load that is required to maintain the targeted setpoint settings included in the model.

Heating Load

The monthly heating load that is required to maintain the targeted setpoint settings included in the model.

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Site HVAC Hourly Load Distribution

Illustrates details on how the heating and cooling loads are distributed. The graph shows the percentage of hours in cooling and heating over 5% load bins. The table shows how many hours of cooling and heating are in specific load bins.




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