Lighting and Daylighting Summary Report

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The Lighting and Daylighting Summary Report contains three main sections:

  1. Total Site Energy Breakdown Pie Chart and Envelope table

  2. The Interior and Exterior Lighting Consumption table

  3. The thermal zone lighting and daylighting table.

Total Site Energy Breakdown (Graph + Table)

A pie chart of the total site energy breakdown is the first thing you will see.  The intent is to provide context on what the interior lighting and exterior lighting consumption levels are compared to the other site energy components for the project.  The table below the pie chart provides additional context by providing the window to wall ratio, the gross wall area and the window opening area.


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Interior and Exterior Lighting Consumption table

The table provides feedback on five key metrics for both Interior and Exterior Lighting


Reports the electricity consumed related to interior and exterior lighting for the time period simulated

Site Energy

Energy used at Site

Site Energy Use Intensity

Energy Used at Site per floor area

Source Energy

Energy Used at the Source (including transmission losses)

Source Energy Use Intensity

Energy Used at the Source per floor area (including transmission losses)


Thermal Zone Lighting and Daylighting Table

The table contains a row for each thermal zone and identifies key properties that assist you to quickly review the lighting values for the thermal zone and the source for the values

Zone Name

Identifies the names of all the thermal zones that were included in the simulation

Zone Lighting Library Entry

Identifies the library entry source for the lighting input values associated with each thermal zone.  The source and application hierarchy are as follows:


identifies the schedule that is associated with the Zone Lighting library entry which influences the lighting consumption.  The source and application hierarchy are as follows:

Lighting Power Density

Reports the lighting power density value that has been included on the library entry (Libraries>Internal Loads>Lighting (type).

Installed Lighting

The resulting installed lighting power based on the lighting power density and the area associated with the thermal zone.

Fraction of Lighting Energy to Return Air

The fraction of heat emitted from lights that is lost to return air due to the proximity of the lights to the return air outlets.

Lighting Consumption

The overall lighting energy consumption for the period that was analyzed.  It is based on the LPD, thermal zone area, lighting schedule and other factors

Full Load Hours Per Week

The amount of hours per week that the lighting is at 100% of the lighting power density based on the lighting schedule.

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Daylighting Reference Point


Zone Name


Daylighting Type


Control Type


Fraction of Lighting Controlled


Installed Lighting Power


Controlled Lighting Power


Window Area


Average Visible Transmittance






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