Envelope Summary Report

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The  Envelope Summary Report contains four main sections:

  1. Graph of Window-Wall Ratio per facade + supporting table

  2. Opaque Exterior

  3. Fenestration

  4. Subsurface

Graph of Window-Wall Ratio per facade + supporting table



The column chart t displays the window to wall ratio for each orientation, and also identifies the ASHRAE 90.1 maximum allowable window to wall ratio before trade-offs have to be factored into the analysis.  Next is a table that displays the energy model characteristics for:

Quick Review Questions to Consider:

Opaque Exterior

A table that includes a row for each unique surface that is associated with a thermal zone that is included in the simulation.  


Identifies the library entry source for the construction input values associated with each surface of a thermal zone.  The source and application hierarchy are as follows:

Exterior Reflectance

The exterior reflectance for the surface material in the energy model that is defined in the Library Entry in Libraries > Materials.

Gross Area

The overall area for the thermal zone surface within the energy model

U-Factor with Film

The U-Factor for the Construction assembly that is associated with the thermal zone surface that also includes the film contributions of the exterior and interior surfaces.

U-Factor no Film

The U-Factor for the Construction assembly that is associated with the thermal zone surface that does NOT include the film contributions of the exterior and interior surfaces.


the orientation of that surface and corresponds to the cardinal direction but is more detailed (cardinal direction only has four directions)


Expresses if the surface is vertical (90 deg), horizontal (180 deg) or other.

Cardinal Direction

Provides feedback on the orientation of the different surfaces.

Quick Review Questions to Consider:


Fenestration Surfaces

A table that includes a row for each unique surface that is associated with a thermal zone that is included in the simulation.  

Thermal Zone Surface

The first column in the table identifies each unique window type on an exterior or interior thermal zone surface.  


Identifies the library entry source for the construction input values associated with each surface of a thermal zone.  The source and application hierarchy are as follows:

Area of One Opening

The area for one opening of a window type on a thermal zone surface that contains windows.

Note:  The value for this field will be the same as "Area of Openings" if the energy model windows are single strip windows for the surface.

Area of Openings

The area for all of the window openings for a thermal zone surface.


The value calculated for the window based on the combinations of glazing and material layers associated with the window (Libraries > Window > Typical Window > Exterior)

Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (SHGC)

The value calculated for the window based on the combinations of glazing and material layers associated with the window (Libraries > Window > Typical Window > Exterior)

Visible Transmittance

The visible transmittance of the window assembly that was input on the library entries:

Shade Control

Identifies if the window has an exterior shading device associated with it or not.

Parent Surface

Identifies a neighboring surface to the thermal zone surface.


the orientation of that surface and corresponds to the cardinal direction but is more detailed (cardinal direction only has four directions)

Cardinal Direction

Provides feedback on the orientation of the different surfaces.

Quick Review Questions to Consider:

Sunlit Fraction, Window Controls, Subsurface

do not always contain data, it depends if certain things are in your model.




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