Example - Creating an Operable Window - "Simple" Library Entry

Workspace:  Libraries/Materials and Assemblies/Windows

Workspace Areas:   Libraries Controls - Property Values Table

Related Examples - Creating an Operable Window - "Detailed" Library Entry


What to do if you want to create an Operable Window, Window Type using the Detailed Opening capabilities for the Air Flow Network within EnergyPlus:

Step 1: Go to Libraries/Materials and Assemblies/Windows Workspace


Step 2: Select New


Step 3: Select  Type and Sub Type

Type = Typical Window and Sub Type = Exterior



Step 4: Expand Properties to review and evaluate


Expand the property categories of Window and AirflowNetwork:MultiZone:Component:SimpleOpening by selecting the check boxes in the Property Values Table.



Note:  For a Simple Operable Window library entry the AirflowNetwork:MultiZone:Component:DetailedOpening should not have property values specified.  It will lead to Validation errors and potential simulation problems.


Step 5: Make "Window" Value Selections


Make Construction, Shading Control and Frame and Divider selections from the drop down lists as applicable.  See table below to identify sources for drop down lists.


Property Category Property Name Value Sources


Construction Name

Libraries/Mat'l-Glaz Layer Sets/<all>

Shading Control Name

Controllers/Shading Control/<all>

Frame and Divider Name Windows/Typical Window/FrameAndDivider
Doors/Glazed Door/FrameAndDivider


Note:  If there is not a desirable option in the drop down list and the user wants to create a new one or review in more detail the ones that are there, they will need to go to the source within libraries, which are the links included above.  


Step 6: Input Values for Airflow Network Opening


Enter Values for the first four Detailed Opening Properties.  See image below for typical values.  



Air Mass Flow Coefficient When Opening is Closed

The value of the air mass flow coefficient, , in the simple opening air flow equation. It has units of kg/s-m at 1Pa. The temperature correction factor is not applied for mass flow calculation.


Air Mass Flow Exponent When Opening is Closed

Crack flow is assumed when the window or door is closed. In this case, the value of this field is the exponent, n, in the crack air flow equation. The valid range for this exponent is 0.5 to 1.0, with the default value being 0.65.


Minimum Density Difference for Two-Way Flow

This numeric field is used to input the minimum density difference above which two-way flow may occur due to stack effect. Density differences less than this value result in one-way flow. The minimum value for this field is greater than zero.


Field: Discharge Coefficient

This numeric field is used to input the discharge coefficient. This value must be greater than zero.


Step 7:  HIT SAVE!

When all the desired input values have been entered, hit Save, and now the Library Entry has been stored in the Source Library that the user has active.  The Operable Window type is ready to be specified in the user's Natural Ventilation BEM!




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