Internal Loads

Location = Libraries/Controls and Performance Data/Internal Loads


The Internal Loads Library is where the user can review and edit the settings for the different internal loads sources.  Each Type in the Type and Sub Type table contains a section that displays a screenshot of the Property Values Table showing the properties associated with the Type and Sub Type.  In the case where the Sub Types have the same properties only one example of the Property Values table is shown.  See Property Values Table to learn about how to interact with the table.

Note: Although not yet fully implemented the intent is that for each section there will be links directly to the EnergyPlus Input Output Reference.  In addition the links will also be included in the Type and Sub Type Mapping Table.

Type and Sub Type Mapping

The Internal Loads Type and Sub Type options that can be selected from the drop down lists in that area of the workspace, which filter the Source Library to display the variables the user can select to include, along with a value, in a Library Entry.


 Type Options Sub Type Options EnergyPlus Objects (IO Reference links)


Default People


Default Lights
Equipment Electric
Gas Process
Hot Water

Zone Contaminant Source and Sink

Surface Contaminant Source and Sink GenericContaminantPressureDriven


People (Type)

The people statement is used to model the occupant’s affect on the space conditions. The following definition addresses the basic affects as well as providing information that can be used to report the thermal comfort of a group of occupants. The Fanger, Pierce Two-Node, and Kansas State University Two-Node thermal comfort models are available in EnergyPlus. A user may select any of these models for each People statement by simply adding the appropriate choice keyword after the air velocity schedule name. Thermal comfort calculations will only be made for people statements that include specific requests for these thermal comfort models.  This object also requires input of carbon dioxide generation rate based on people activity level for zone carbon dioxide simulations.


Default (Sub Type)

Number of People Schedule Name

[Required Input] This field is the name of the schedule (ref: Group -- Schedules) that modifies the number of people parameter (see previous field). The schedule values can be any positive number. The actual number of people in a zone as defined by this statement is the product of the number of people field and the value of the schedule specified by name in this field.

Number of People Calculation  Method

[Required Input] This field is a key/choice field that tells which of the next three fields are filled and is descriptive of the method for calculating the nominal number of occupants (people) in the Zone. The key/choices are:

n  People

With this choice, the method used will be a straight insertion of the number of occupants (people).  (The Number of People field should be filled.)

n  People/Area

With this choice, the method used will be a factor per floor area of the zone. (The People per Zone Floor Area field should be filled).

n  Area/Person

With this choice, the method used will be a factor of floor area per person. (The Zone Floor Area per Person field should be filled).

Number of People

This field is used to represent the maximum number of people in a zone that is then multiplied by a schedule fraction (see schedule field). In EnergyPlus, this is slightly more flexible in that the number of people could be a “diversity factor” applied to a schedule of real numbers. Note that while the schedule value can vary from hour to hour, the number of people field is constant for all simulation environments.

People per Zone Floor Area

This factor (person/m2) is used, along with the Zone Floor Area to determine the maximum number of people as described in the Number of People field. The choice from the method field should be “people/area”.

Zone Floor Area per Person

This factor (m2/person) is used, along with the Zone Floor Area to determine the maximum number of people as described in the Number of People field. The choice from the method field should be “area/person”.

Fraction Radiant

[Required Input] This field is a decimal number between 0.0 and 1.0 and is used to characterize the type of heat being given off by people in a zone. The number specified in this field will be multiplied by the total sensible energy emitted by people to give the amount of long wavelength radiation gain from human beings in a zone. The remainder of the sensible load is assumed to be convective heat gain. Note that latent gains from people are not included in either the radiant or convective heat gains. See the Engineering Reference document for more details.

Sensible Heat Fraction

The user can use this field to specify a fixed sensible fraction for the heat gain due to this PEOPLE object. Normally the program calculates the sensible/latent split; this field gives the user control over this split. This field is autocalculated: if the field is blank or autocalculate, the program will calculate the sensible/latent split; if a value is entered, it will be used as the sensible fraction of the current total heat gain.

Activity Level Schedule Name

[Required Input] This field is the name of the schedule that determines the amount of heat gain per person in the zone under design conditions. This value is modified somewhat based on a correlation to account for variations in space temperature. The schedule values may be any positive number and the units for this parameter is Watts per person. This schedule represents the total heat gain per person including convective, radiant, and latent. An internal algorithm is used to determine what fraction of the total is sensible and what fraction is latent. Then, the sensible portion is divided into radiant and convective portions using the value specified for Fraction Radiant (above). See the Engineering Reference document for more details.


Values for activity level can range anywhere from approximately 100-150 Watts per person for most office activities up to over 900 Watts per person for strenuous physical activities such as competitive wrestling. The following table (Table 11) is based on Table 4 from the 2005 ASHRAE Handbook of Fundamentals, page 8.6. In addition to the information from the ASHRAE HOF, there is an added column of values in W/Person such as necessary for the activity level schedule values. This column uses the standard adult body surface area of 1.8 m2 to multiply the activity levels in W/m2 that are used in the table. Warnings are produced when the activity level schedule values fall outside normal ranges. Having too low or too high values can also skew thermal comfort reporting values.

Carbon Dioxide Generation Rate

This numeric input field specifies carbon dioxide generation rate per person with units of m3/s-W. The total carbon dioxide generation rate from this object is:

Number of People * People Schedule * People Activity * Carbon Dioxide Generation Rate. The default value is 3.82E-8 m3/s-W (obtained from ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2007 value at 0.0084 cfm/met/person over the general adult population). The maximum value can be 10 times the default value.

Enable ASHRAE 55 comfort warnings

This field accepts either “Yes” or “No” as values. When “Yes” is specified, warnings are generated when the space conditions are outside of the ASHRAE 55 comfort range as discussed in the sections that follow titled “Simplified ASHRAE 55-2004 Graph Related Outputs” and “Simplified ASHRAE 55 Warnings.” The default is not to provide these warnings so if you want to know if your space is outside this comfort range you must set this field to Yes.

Mean Radiant Temperature Calculation Type

This field specifies the type of Mean Radiant Temperature (MRT) calculation the user wishes to use for the thermal comfort model. At the present time, there are two options for MRT calculation type: zone averaged and surface weighted. The default calculation is “ZoneAveraged”. In the zone averaged MRT calculation, the MRT used for the thermal comfort calculations is for an “average” point in the zone. MRT is calculated based on an area-emissivity weighted average of all of the surfaces in the zone. In cases where the emissivity of all of the surfaces are sufficiently small (near zero), the mean radiant temperature will be set to the mean air temperature of the space to avoid divide by zero errors. The other MRT calculation type is “SurfaceWeighted”. The goal of this calculation type is to estimate a person in the space close to a particular surface without having to define exact view factors for all of the surfaces and the location of the person in the space. The MRT used in the thermal comfort calculations when the “surface weighted” calculation type is selected is actually the average of the temperature of the surface to which the person is closest (defined by the next field “Surface Name”) and the zone averaged MRT (defined above). The surface temperature alone is not used because in theory the maximum view factor from a person to any flat surface is roughly 0.5. In the “surfaceweighted” calculation, the surface in question actually gets slightly more weighting than 50% since the surface selected is still a part of the zone average MRT calculation. Again, this simplification was made to avoid the specification of view factors and the exact location of the person.


A third option is to use “anglefactor”. This option allows for more explicit positioning of the person within the space by defining the angle factors from the person to the various surfaces in the zone. This option requires the user to list the surfaces that the person can see from a radiation standpoint and also define the angle (or view) factor for each surface. The AngleFactorList object (see next object description) is intended to give the user this opportunity.

Surface Name/Angle Factor List Name

This field is only valid when the user selects “surfaceweighted” for the MRT calculation type (see the previous input field description). In this case, the field is the name of a surface within the zone the people are residing. This surface will be used in the MRT calculation as defined above to come up with a more representative MRT for a person near a particular surface. The MRT used for thermal comfort calculations using the “surface weighted” MRT calculation method is the average of the temperature of the surface specified in this field and the “zone averaged” MRT (see the Mean Radiant Temperature calculation type field above).

Work Efficiency Schedule Name

This field is the name of the schedule that determines the efficiency of energy usage within the human body that will be used for thermal comfort calculations. Note that all energy produced by the body is assumed to be converted to heat for the zone heat balance calculation. A value of zero corresponds to all of the energy produced in the body being converted to heat. A value of unity corresponds to all of the energy produced in the body being converted to mechanical energy. The values for this parameter defined in the schedule must be between 0.0 and 1.0. Any value greater than zero will result in a reduction of heat that impacts the thermal comfort energy balance of a person within the space.

Clothing Insulation Schedule Name

This field is the name of the schedule that defines the amount of clothing being worn by a typical zone occupant during various times in the simulation period. This parameter must be a positive real number and has units of Clo. Typical values for Clo can be seen in the ASHRAE 2009 HOF Table 7, page 9.8 (for clothing ensembles) and Table 8, page 9.9 (for garment values).

Air Velocity Schedule Name

This field is the name of the schedule that approximates the amount of air movement in the space as a function of time throughout the simulation period. The user has control over this parameter through the schedule that requires the individual numbers in the schedule to be positive real numbers having units of meters per second.

Thermal Comfort Model Type (up to 5 allowed)

The final one to five fields are optional and are intended to trigger various thermal comfort models within EnergyPlus. By entering the keywords Fanger, Pierce, KSU, ASHRAE55AdaptiveComfort, and CEN15251AdaptiveComfort, the user can request the Fanger, Pierce Two-Node, Kansas State UniversityTwo-Node, and the adaptive comfort models of the ASHRAE Standard 55 and CEN Standard 15251 results for this particular people statement. Note that since up to five models may be specified, the user may opt to have EnergyPlus calculate the thermal comfort for people identified with this people statement using all five models if desired. Note that the KSU model is computationally intensive and may noticeably increase the execution time of the simulation. For descriptions of the thermal comfort calculations, see the Engineering Reference document.

Lights (Type)

The Lights statement allows you to specify information about a zone’s electric lighting system, including design power level and operation schedule, and how the heat from lights is distributed thermally.


A zone may have multiple Lights statements. For example, one statement may describe the general lighting in the zone and another the task lighting. Or you can use multiple Lights statements for a zone that has two or more general lighting systems that differ in design level, schedule, etc.


Default (Sub Type)

Schedule Name

[Required Input] The name of the schedule that modifies the lighting power design level (see next field). The schedule values can be any positive number. The electrical input for lighting in a particular timestep is the product of the design level and the value of this schedule in that timestep. If the design level is the maximum lighting power input the schedule should contain values between 0.0 and 1.0.

Design Level Calculation Method

[Required Input] This field is a key/choice field that tells which of the next three fields are filled and is descriptive of the method for calculating the nominal lighting level in the Zone. The key/choices are:

n  LightingLevel

With this choice, the method used will be a straight insertion of the lighting level (Watts) for the Zone.  (The Lighting Level field should be filled.)

n  Watts/Area

With this choice, the method used will be a factor per floor area of the zone. (The Watts per Zone Floor Area field should be filled).

n  Watts/Person

With this choice, the method used will be a factor of lighting level (watts) per person. (The Watts per person field should be filled).

Lighting Level

This is typically the maximum electrical power input (in Watts) to lighting in a zone, including ballasts, if present. This value is multiplied by a schedule fraction (see previous field) to get the lighting power in a particular timestep. In EnergyPlus, this is slightly more flexible in that the lighting design level could be a “diversity factor” applied to a schedule of real numbers.

Watts per Zone Floor Area

This factor (watts/m2) is used, along with the Zone Floor Area to determine the maximum lighting level as described in the Lighting Level field. The choice from the method field should be “watts/area”.

Watts per Person

This factor (watts/person) is used, along with the number of occupants (people) to determine the maximum lighting level as described in the Lighting Level field. The choice from the method field should be “watts/person”.

Heat Gains from Lights:

The electrical input to lighting ultimately appears as heat that contributes to zone loads or to return air heat gains. In EnergyPlus this heat is divided into four different fractions. Three of these are given by the input fields Return Air Fraction, Fraction Radiant and Fraction Visible. A fourth, defined as the fraction of the heat from lights convected to the zone air, is calculated by the program as:

fconvected = 1.0 – (Return Air Fraction + Fraction Radiant + Fraction Visible)

You will get an error message if Return Air Fraction + Fraction Radiant + Fraction Visible exceeds 1.0.

These fractions depend on the type of lamp and luminaire, whether the luminaire is vented to the return air, etc.

Return Air Fraction

[Required Input] The fraction of the heat from lights that goes into the zone return air (i.e., into the zone outlet node). If the return air flow is zero or the zone has no return air system, the program will put this fraction into the zone air. Return Air Fraction should be non-zero only for luminaires that are return-air ducted.

Fraction Radiant

[Required Input] The fraction of heat from lights that goes into the zone as long-wave (thermal) radiation. The program calculates how much of this radiation is absorbed by the inside surfaces of the zone according the area times thermal absorptance product of these surfaces.

Fraction Visible

[Required Input] The fraction of heat from lights that goes into the zone as visible (short-wave) radiation. The program calculates how much of this radiation is absorbed by the inside surfaces of the zone according the area times solar absorptance product of these surfaces.

Fraction Replaceable

[Required Input] This field defines the daylighting control for the LIGHTS object.

If Daylighting:Controls or Daylighting:DELight:Controls is specified for the zone, this field is used as an on/off flag for dimming controls. If set to 0.0, the lights are not dimmed by the daylighting controls. If set to 1.0, the lights are allowed to be dimmed by the daylighting controls.

End-Use Subcategory

Allows you to specify a user-defined end-use subcategory, e.g., "Task Lights", "Hall Lights", etc. A new meter for reporting is created for each unique subcategory  (ref: Output:Meter and). Subcategories are also reported in the ABUPS table. If this field is omitted or blank, the lights will be assigned to the "General" end-use subcategory.

Return Air Fraction Calculated from Plenum Temperature

Accepts values Yes or No (the default). Yes is for advanced used only. In this case the program will calculate the return air fraction by assuming that it is due to conduction of some of the light heat into the zone’s return air plenum and that the amount of the conduction depends on the plenum air temperature. A Yes value should only be used for luminaires that are recessed and non-vented, as shown in Figure 42.

The value you enter for the Return Air Fraction field will be ignored and you can enter, for fluorescent lighting, Fraction Radiant = 0.37 and Fraction Visible = 0.18, as indicated in Table 14.

This feature requires that the coefficients described below be determined from measurements or detailed calculations since they are very sensitive to the luminaire type, lamp type, thermal resistance between fixture and plenum, etc.

If “Return Air Fraction Is Calculated from Plenum Temperature” = Yes, the return air fraction is calculated each timestep from the following empirical correlation:

(Return Air Fraction)calculated = C1 – C2 x Tplenum

where Tplenum is the previous-time-step value of the return plenum air temperature (deg C), and C1 and C2  are the values of the coefficients entered in the next two fields.

To compensate for the change in the return air fraction relative to its input value, the program modifies Fraction Radiant and fconvected by a scale factor such that

(Return Air Fraction)calculated + (Fraction Radiant)modified + (fconvected)modified + (Fraction Visible)input = 1.0

It is assumed that Fraction Visible is a constant equal to its input value.

Return Air Fraction Function of Plenum Temperature Coefficient 1

The coefficient C1 in the equation for (Return Air Fraction)calculated.

Return Air Fraction Function of Plenum Temperature Coefficient 2

The coefficient C2  in the equation for (Return Air Fraction)calculated.

Equipment (Type)

The Lights statement allows you to specify information about a zone’s electric lighting system, including design power level and operation schedule, and how the heat from lights is distributed thermally.


A zone may have multiple Lights statements. For example, one statement may describe the general lighting in the zone and another the task lighting. Or you can use multiple Lights statements for a zone that has two or more general lighting systems that differ in design level, schedule, etc.


Electric (Sub Type)


Electric_Escalator, Electric_Elevator and Electric_Process  sub types have these same properties

Schedule Name

[Required Input] This field is the name of the schedule that modifies the design level parameter for electric equipment (see next field). The schedule values can be any positive number. The actual electrical input for equipment in a zone as defined by this statement is the product of the design level field and the value of the schedule specified by name in this field.

Design Level Calculation Method

[Required Input] This field is a key/choice field that tells which of the next three fields are filled and is descriptive of the method for calculating the nominal electric equipment level in the Zone. The key/choices are:

n  EquipmentLevel

With this choice, the method used will be a straight insertion of the electric equipment level (Watts) for the Zone.  (The Design Level field should be filled.)

n  Watts/Area

With this choice, the method used will be a factor per floor area of the zone. (The Watts per Zone Floor Area field should be filled).

n  Watts/Person

With this choice, the method used will be a factor of equipment level (watts) per person. (The Watts per Person field should be filled).

Design Level

This field (in Watts) is typically used to represent the maximum electrical input to equipment in a zone that is then multiplied by a schedule fraction (see previous field). In EnergyPlus, this is slightly more flexible in that the electric equipment design level could be a “diversity factor” applied to a schedule of real numbers. Note that while the schedule value can vary from hour to hour, the design level field is constant for all simulation environments.

Watts per Zone Floor Area

This factor (watts/m2) is used, along with the Zone Area to determine the maximum equipment level as described in the Design Level field. The choice from the method field should be “Watts/Area”.

Watts per Person

This factor (watts/person) is used, along with the number of occupants (people) to determine the maximum equipment level as described in the Design Level field. The choice from the method field should be “Watts/Person”.

Fraction Latent

[Required Input] This field is a decimal number between 0.0 and 1.0 and is used to characterize the amount of latent heat given off by electric equipment in a zone. The number specified in this field will be multiplied by the total energy consumed by electric equipment to give the amount of latent energy produced by the electric equipment. This energy affects the moisture balance within the zone.

Fraction Radiant

[Required Input] This field is a decimal number between 0.0 and 1.0 and is used to characterize the amount of long-wave radiant heat being given off by electric equipment in a zone. The number specified in this field will be multiplied by the total energy consumed by electric equipment to give the amount of long wavelength radiation gain from electric equipment in a zone.

Fraction Lost

[Required Input] This field is a decimal number between 0.0 and 1.0 and is used to characterize the amount of “lost” heat being given off by electric equipment in a zone. The number specified in this field will be multiplied by the total energy consumed by electric equipment to give the amount of heat which is “lost” and does not impact the zone energy balances. This might correspond to electrical energy converted to mechanical work or heat that is vented to the atmosphere.

End-Use Subcategory

Allows you to specify a user-defined end-use subcategory, e.g., "Computers", "Copy Machines", etc. A new meter for reporting is created for each unique subcategory  (ref: Report Meter). Subcategories are also reported in the ABUPS table. If this field is omitted or blank, the equipment will be assigned to the "General" end-use subcategory.

Electric_ITE (Sub Type)

Design Power Input Calculation Method

Watts per Unit

Number of Units

Design Power Input Schedule Name

CPU Loading Schedule Name

CPU Power Input Function of Loading and Air temperature Curve Name

Design Fan Power Input Fraction

Air Flow Function of Loading and Air temperature Curve Name

Fan Power Input Function of Flow Curve Name

Design Entering Air Temperature

Environmental Class

Air Inlet Connection Type

Design Recirculation Fraction

Recirculation Function of Loading and Supply Temperature Curve Name

design Electric Power Supply Efficiency

Electric Power Supply Efficiency Function of Part Load Ration Curve Name

Fraction of Electric Power Supply Losses to Zone

CPU End-Use Subcategory

Fan end-use Subcategory

Electric Power Supply End-Use Subcategory




Gas and Gas Process (Sub Types)

Schedule Name

[Required Input] This field is the name of the schedule that modifies the design level parameter for gas equipment (see next field). The schedule values can be any positive number. The actual energy input for gas equipment in a zone as defined by this statement is the product of the design level field and the value of the schedule specified by name in this field.

Design Level Calculation Method

[Required Input] This field is a key/choice field that tells which of the next three fields are filled and is descriptive of the method for calculating the nominal gas equipment level in the Zone. The key/choices are:

n  EquipmentLevel

With this choice, the method used will be a straight insertion of the gas equipment level (Watts) for the Zone.  (The Design Level field should be filled.)

n  Watts/Area

With this choice, the method used will be a factor per floor area of the zone. (The Watts per Zone Floor Area field should be filled).

n  Watts/Person

With this choice, the method used will be a factor of equipment level (watts) per person. (The Watts per person field should be filled).

Design Level

This field (in Watts) is typically used to represent the maximum energy input to gas equipment in a zone that is then multiplied by a schedule fraction (see previous field). In EnergyPlus, this is slightly more flexible in that the gas equipment design level could be a “diversity factor” applied to a schedule of real numbers. Note that while the schedule value can vary from hour to hour, the design level field is constant for all simulation environments.

Watts per Zone Floor Area

This factor (watts/m2) is used, along with the Zone Area to determine the maximum equipment level as described in the Design Level field. The choice from the method field should be “Watts/Area”.

Watts per Person

This factor (watts/person) is used, along with the number of occupants (people) to determine the maximum equipment level as described in the Design Level field. The choice from the method field should be “Watts/Person”.

Heat Gains from Gas Equipment:

The fuel input to the equipment ultimately appears as heat that contributes to zone loads. In EnergyPlus this heat is divided into four different fractions. Three of these are given by the input fields Fraction Latent, Fraction Radiant and Fraction Lost. A fourth, defined as the fraction of the heat from gas equipment convected to the zone air, is calculated by the program as:

fconvected = 1.0 – (Fraction Latent + Fraction Radiant + Fraction Lost)

You will get an error message if Fraction Latent + Fraction Radiant + Fraction Lost exceeds 1.0.

Fraction Latent

[Required Input] This field is a decimal number between 0.0 and 1.0 and is used to characterize the amount of latent heat given off by gas equipment in a zone. The number specified in this field will be multiplied by the total energy consumed by gas equipment to give the amount of latent energy produced by the gas equipment. This energy affects the moisture balance within the zone.

Fraction Radiant

[Required Input] This field is a decimal number between 0.0 and 1.0 and is used to characterize the amount of long-wave radiant heat being given off by gas equipment in a zone. The number specified in this field will be multiplied by the total energy consumed by gas equipment to give the amount of long wavelength radiation gain from gas equipment in a zone.

Fraction Lost

[Required Input] This field is a decimal number between 0.0 and 1.0 and is used to characterize the amount of “lost” heat being given off by gas equipment in a zone. The number specified in this field will be multiplied by the total energy consumed by gas equipment to give the amount of heat which is “lost” and does not impact the zone energy balances. This might correspond to input energy converted to mechanical work or heat that is vented to the atmosphere.

Carbon Dioxide Generation Rate


This numeric input field specifies carbon dioxide generation rate with units of m3/s-W. The default value of 0.0 assumes the equipment is fully vented to outdoors. In the absence of better information, the user might consider using a value of 3.45E-8 m3/s-W which assumes the equipment is not vented to outdoors. This value is converted from natural gas CO2 emission rate at 11.7 lbs CO2 per therm. The CO2 emission rate is provided by U.S. Energy Information Administration, "Frequently Asked Questions - Environment, Questions About Environmental Emissions",, January 2010. The maximum value for this input field is 3.45E-7 m3/s-W.

End-Use Subcategory

Allows you to specify a user-defined end-use subcategory, e.g., "Cooking", "Clothes Drying", etc. A new meter for reporting is created for each unique subcategory  (ref: Report Meter). Subcategories are also reported in the ABUPS table. If this field is omitted or blank, the equipment will be assigned to the "General" end-use subcategory.




Hot Water (Sub Type)

Schedule Name

[Required Input]This field is the name of the schedule that modifies the design level parameter for hot water equipment (see next field). The schedule values can be any positive number. The actual energy input for hot water equipment in a zone as defined by this statement is the product of the design level field and the value of the schedule specified by name in this field.

Design Level Calculation Method

[Required Input] This field is a key/choice field that tells which of the next three fields are filled and is descriptive of the method for calculating the nominal hot water equipment level in the Zone. The key/choices are:

n  EquipmentLevel

With this choice, the method used will be a straight insertion of the hot water equipment level (Watts) for the Zone.  (The Design Level field should be filled.)

n  Watts/Area

With this choice, the method used will be a factor per floor area of the zone. (The Watts per Zone Floor Area field should be filled).

n  Watts/Person

With this choice, the method used will be a factor of equipment level (watts) per person. (The Watts per person field should be filled).

Design Level

This field (in Watts) is typically used to represent the maximum energy input to hot water equipment in a zone that is then multiplied by a schedule fraction (see previous field). In EnergyPlus, this is slightly more flexible in that the hot water equipment design level could be a “diversity factor” applied to a schedule of real numbers. Note that while the schedule value can vary from hour to hour, the design level field is constant for all simulation environments.

Watts per Zone Floor Area

This factor (watts/m2) is used, along with the Zone Area to determine the maximum equipment level as described in the Design Level field. The choice from the method field should be “Watts/Area”.

Watts per Person

This factor (watts/person) is used, along with the number of occupants (people) to determine the maximum equipment level as described in the Design Level field. The choice from the method field should be “Watts/Person”.

Fraction Latent

[Required Input] This field is a decimal number between 0.0 and 1.0 and is used to characterize the amount of latent heat given off by hot water equipment in a zone. The number specified in this field will be multiplied by the total energy consumed by hot water equipment to give the amount of latent energy produced by the hot water equipment. This energy affects the moisture balance within the zone.

Fraction Radiant

[Required Input] This field is a decimal number between 0.0 and 1.0 and is used to characterize the amount of long-wave radiant heat being given off by hot water equipment in a zone. The number specified in this field will be multiplied by the total energy consumed by hot water equipment to give the amount of long wavelength radiation gain from hot water equipment in a zone.

Fraction Lost

[Required Input] This field is a decimal number between 0.0 and 1.0 and is used to characterize the amount of “lost” heat being given off by hot water equipment in a zone. The number specified in this field will be multiplied by the total energy consumed by hot water equipment to give the amount of heat which is “lost” and does not impact the zone energy balances. This might correspond to input energy converted to mechanical work or heat that is vented to the atmosphere.

End-Use Subcategory

Allows you to specify a user-defined end-use subcategory, e.g., "Cooking", "Clothes Drying", etc. A new meter for reporting is created for each unique subcategory  (ref: Report Meter). Subcategories are also reported in the ABUPS table. If this field is omitted or blank, the equipment will be assigned to the "General" end-use subcategory.

Steam (Sub Type)

Schedule Name

[Required Input] This field is the name of the schedule that modifies the design level parameter for steam equipment (see next field). The schedule values can be any positive number. The actual energy input for steam equipment in a zone as defined by this statement is the product of the design level field and the value of the schedule specified by name in this field.

Design Level Calculation Method

[Required Input] This field is a key/choice field that tells which of the next three fields are filled and is descriptive of the method for calculating the nominal steam equipment level in the Zone. The key/choices are:

n  EquipmentLevel

With this choice, the method used will be a straight insertion of the steam equipment level (Watts) for the Zone.  (The Design Level field should be filled.)

n  Watts/Area

With this choice, the method used will be a factor per floor area of the zone. (The Watts per Zone Floor Area field should be filled).

n  Watts/Person

With this choice, the method used will be a factor of equipment level (watts) per person. (The Watts per person field should be filled).

Design Level

This field (in Watts) is typically used to represent the maximum energy input to steam equipment in a zone that is then multiplied by a schedule fraction (see previous field). In EnergyPlus, this is slightly more flexible in that the steam equipment design level could be a “diversity factor” applied to a schedule of real numbers. Note that while the schedule value can vary from hour to hour, the design level field is constant for all simulation environments.

Watts per Zone Floor Area

This factor (watts/m2) is used, along with the Zone Area to determine the maximum equipment level as described in the Design Level field. The choice from the method field should be “Watts/Area”.

Watts per Person

This factor (watts/person) is used, along with the number of occupants (people) to determine the maximum equipment level as described in the Design Level field. The choice from the method field should be “Watts/Person”.

Fraction Latent

[Required Input]  This field is a decimal number between 0.0 and 1.0 and is used to characterize the amount of latent heat given off by steam equipment in a zone. The number specified in this field will be multiplied by the total energy consumed by steam equipment to give the amount of latent energy produced by the steam equipment. This energy affects the moisture balance within the zone.

Fraction Radiant

[Required Input] This field is a decimal number between 0.0 and 1.0 and is used to characterize the amount of long-wave radiant heat being given off by steam equipment in a zone. The number specified in this field will be multiplied by the total energy consumed by steam equipment to give the amount of long wavelength radiation gain from steam equipment in a zone.

Fraction Lost

[Required Input] This field is a decimal number between 0.0 and 1.0 and is used to characterize the amount of “lost” heat being given off by steam equipment in a zone. The number specified in this field will be multiplied by the total energy consumed by steam equipment to give the amount of heat which is “lost” and does not impact the zone energy balances. This might correspond to input energy converted to mechanical work or heat that is vented to the atmosphere.

End-Use Subcategory

Allows you to specify a user-defined end-use subcategory, e.g., "Cooking", "Clothes Drying", etc. A new meter for reporting is created for each unique subcategory  (ref: Report Meter). Subcategories are also reported in the ABUPS table. If this field is omitted or blank, the equipment will be assigned to the "General" end-use subcategory

Other (Sub Type)

Other Equipment object is provided as an additional source for heat gains or losses directly to the zone.  That is to say, a loss can be entered by putting a negative value into the Design Level field(s). Note, too, that this object does not have an end-use component – gains or losses do not show up in the bottom energy lines (except as influencing overall zone gains or losses).


Fuel Type


Schedule Name

[Required Input]  This field is the name of the schedule that modifies the design level parameter for other equipment (see next field). The schedule values can be any positive number. The actual energy input for other equipment in a zone as defined by this statement is the product of the design level field and the value of the schedule specified by name in this field.

Design Level Calculation Method

[Required Input]  This field is a key/choice field that tells which of the next three fields are filled and is descriptive of the method for calculating the nominal other equipment level in the Zone. The key/choices are:

n  EquipmentLevel

With this choice, the method used will be a straight insertion of the other equipment level (Watts) for the Zone.  (The Design Level field should be filled.)

n  Watts/Area

With this choice, the method used will be a factor per floor area of the zone. (The Watts per Zone Floor Area field should be filled).

n  Watts/Person

With this choice, the method used will be a factor of equipment level (watts) per person. (The Watts per person field should be filled).

Design Level

This field (in Watts) is typically used to represent the maximum energy input to other equipment in a zone that is then multiplied by a schedule fraction (see previous field). In EnergyPlus, this is slightly more flexible in that the other equipment design level could be a “diversity factor” applied to a schedule of real numbers. This value can be negative to denote a loss. Note that while the schedule value can vary from hour to hour, the design level field is constant for all simulation environments.

Watts per Zone Floor Area

This factor (watts/m2) is used, along with the Zone Area to determine the maximum equipment level as described in the Design Level field. This value can be negative to denote a loss. The choice from the method field should be “Watts/Area”.

Watts per Person

This factor (watts/person) is used, along with the number of occupants (people) to determine the maximum equipment level as described in the Design Level field. This value can be negative to denote a loss. The choice from the method field should be “Watts/Person”.

Fraction Latent

[Required Input]  This field is a decimal number between 0.0 and 1.0 and is used to characterize the amount of latent heat given off by other equipment in a zone. The number specified in this field will be multiplied by the total energy consumed by other equipment to give the amount of latent energy produced by the other equipment. This energy affects the moisture balance within the zone.

Fraction Radiant

[Required Input]  This field is a decimal number between 0.0 and 1.0 and is used to characterize the amount of long-wave radiant heat being given off by other equipment in a zone. The number specified in this field will be multiplied by the total energy consumed by other equipment to give the amount of long wavelength radiation gain from other equipment in a zone.

Fraction Lost

[Required Input]  This field is a decimal number between 0.0 and 1.0 and is used to characterize the amount of “lost” heat being given off by other equipment in a zone. The number specified in this field will be multiplied by the total energy consumed by other equipment to give the amount of heat which is “lost” and does not impact the zone energy balances. This might correspond to input energy converted to mechanical work or heat that is vented to the atmosphere.


Carbon Dioxide Generation Rate

This numeric input field specifies carbon dioxide generation rate with units of m3/s-W. The default value of 0.0 assumes the equipment is fully vented to outdoors. In the absence of better information, the user might consider using a value of 3.45E-8 m3/s-W which assumes the equipment is not vented to outdoors. This value is converted from natural gas CO2 emission rate at 11.7 lbs CO2 per therm. The CO2 emission rate is provided by U.S. Energy Information Administration, "Frequently Asked Questions - Environment, Questions About Environmental Emissions",, January 2010. The maximum value for this input field is 3.45E-7 m3/s-W.

End-Use Subcategory

Allows you to specify a user-defined end-use subcategory, e.g., "Cooking", "Clothes Drying", etc. A new meter for reporting is created for each unique subcategory  (ref: Report Meter). Subcategories are also reported in the ABUPS table. If this field is omitted or blank, the equipment will be assigned to the "General" end-use subcategory.


ZoneBasebd_OutdoorTempControlled (Sub Type)

This object specifies outside temperature-controlled (OTC) baseboard heating. The capacities (high and low) are specified in W at the temperatures specified. The schedule allows both capacities to change hourly on a proportional basis. This baseboard heater does not operate if the outdoor dry-bulb is above the high temperature limit. Between the high temperature and the low temperature, the capacity is interpolated (linear) between the high and the low capacity values. Below the low temperature, the capacity is set at the low capacity value. This allows the user to add baseboard heat to a perimeter zone starting at a prescribed temperature and then slowly increases this capacity to a max value.

Zone Name

This field is the name of the zone and attaches the baseboard heat equipment statement to a thermal zone in the building.

Schedule Name

This field is the name of the schedule that modifies the capacities (high and low) for baseboard heat equipment (see next field). The schedule values can be any positive number. The actual energy input for the baseboard equipment in a zone as defined by this statement depends on the actual outdoor temperature and where that temperature is in the range of Low Temperature to High Temperature..

Capacity at Low Temperature

This is the baseboard equipment capacity (Watts) at the low temperature limit.

Low Temperature

If the outdoor dry-bulb temperature (degrees Celsius) is at or below the low temperature the baseboard heater operates at the low temperature capacity.

Capacity at High Temperature

This is the baseboard equipment capacity (Watts) at the high temperature limit.

High Temperature

If the outdoor dry-bulb temperature (degrees Celsius) is greater than the high temperature the baseboard heater will not operate.

Fraction Radiant

This field is a decimal number between 0.0 and 1.0 and is used to characterize the type of heat being given off by baseboard heat equipment in a zone.  The number specified in this field will be multiplied by the total energy consumed by the baseboard heat equipment to give the amount of long wavelength radiation gain to the zone.

End-Use Subcategory

Allows you to specify a user-defined end-use subcategory, e.g., "Perimeter Baseboards", etc. A new meter for reporting is created for each unique subcategory  (ref: Report Meter). Subcategories are also reported in the ABUPS table. If this field is omitted or blank, the baseboard equipment will be assigned to the "General" end-use subcategory.



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