Report Type: Project Summary

Workspace:  Reports/Toolbars/Report Toolbar


The Project Summary report provides an overview of the results for relevant topics to quickly assess performance and identify areas for further investigation.  The topics included are:


Page 1

Building Summary  

Reports on general statistics for the building as well as specific air flow and peak cooling and heating loads.  The output variables included:

Weather Summary

Provides the basics on the weather file and both the typical (1%) Summer Design Temperature and (99%) Winter Design Temperature and the User Defined set for the values, so that they can be visualized side by side.  The output variables included are:

Building Performance

Provides four bars where the simulated performance is plotted on each, with a quantified value, so that not only can the user see the outcome for each of the four parameters, but how they compare to each other as well.  The output variables included are:

Site Performance

The output variables included are:

Site Power Generation (if applicable)

The output variables included are:

Site Thermal Energy Recovery (if applicable)

The output variables included are:


Page 2 - Comparison of Site Power Generation and Thermal Energy Recovery

Provides a visual breakdown and percentage label for the different categories of each topic

Site Power Generation Pie Chart

Presents a pie chart of the output variable values presented on Page 1.  The simulated results for Site Power Generation for the BEM = 100%, and the contribution that each output variable within that topic that contributes to that 100% value is shown as a piece of the pie.

Site Thermal Energy Recovery Pie Chart

Presents a pie chart of the output variable values presented on Page 1.  The simulated results for Site Thermal Energy Recovery for the BEM = 100%, and the contribution that each output variable within that topic that contributes to that 100% value is shown as a piece of the pie.


Energy End Use Summary

A table displaying the energy end use values and a pie chart showing the percentage contribution of the energy end uses to the 100% Electricity Total.

The output variables included are:

Economic Alternative Comparison

A column chart that shows side by side the simulation results for multiple sim runs for the parameters:

A table that shows multiple simulation runs being compared as rows and the four parameters each as a column.


Alternative Energy End Use and Demand Comparison

The output variables included are:

Total Monthly Electrical Consumption (kWh)

Total Monthly Electrical Demand (kW)



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