Simergy™ Standards Workspace T24 Analysis

User Guide

Version 2.1 -- May-2016


Introduction ..........................................................................................................1

Background ............................................................................................ ...............1

Data Model Tree View Palette................................................................................2

3D View Palette .....................................................................................................3

Selected Element Data Palette ..............................................................................3

Project Data Tab ....................................................................................................4

Design Team Tab ...................................................................................................5

Exceptional Conditions Tab ...................................................................................6

Standards Analysis Palette ....................................................................................6

Appendix A Simergy Certification: 2013 T24 v3c Compliance Analysis ................... 7


The Standards workspace in Simergy™ (1) enables checking of Simergy building models for compliance with industry standards that have been encoded into a rule set compatible with the California Building Energy Code Compliance2 (CBECC) framework. The central component in this framework is the Compliance Manager, which checks all relevant objects in the building model against the requirements of the standard that are defined in the rule set. The first rule set available for analysis in Simergy is used for checking compliance of the building model for compliance to the California Energy Code (Title 24 2013). This means that Simergy, and more specifically, the Simergy T24 Module 2013-3C may be used to show compliance with California's 2013 Building Energy Efficiency Standards. Please see the California Energy Commissions' resolution in appendix A.


Simergy is a Building Modeling Front-End for various types of Simulation and Analysis applications. It is capable of importing Building Information Models (BIMs) from industry standard design applications and then extending those models until they can be used in Simulation and Analysis applications.

BIM formats that can be imported and/or exported in Simergy include:

The Standards workspace is available in both Simergy Standard and Simergy Professional. It is accessed via a tab in the ribbon, just like all other workspaces in Simergy as follows:


Data Model Tree View Palette

The Data Model Tree View palette is located in the upper left of the workspace.

This palette presents a view of the building object model showing containment relationships. The user can select objects in this view in order to: (a) highlight the object in the 3D view (if it has geometry) that is visible in the current view) and (b) view properties of the object in the Selected Element Data palette.

3D View Palette

The 3D View palette is located in the upper center of the workspace.

This palette presents a view of the building object model showing containment relationships. The user can select objects in this view in order to: (a) highlight the object in the 3D view (if it has geometry) that is visible in the current view) and (b) view properties of the object in the Selected Element Data palette.

Zoom All Button As the name implies this button adjusts the camera position to a standard location and view angle, at a distance such that the entire building model can be seen in the viewport.

Site Grid Checkbox As implied by the checkbox this is a toggle for display of the grid on the building site. This grid represents the 3D workspace in which the building model geometry is created.

Simulation View Checkbox The simulation View checkbox, when
checked, will display an alternative 3D view of the building model. In this
case, it presents a 3D view of the abstracted geometry used by
EnergyPlus. This geometry view is of the thermal transfer surfaces only.
These thermal transfer surfaces are also referred to as second level space
boundaries. That is: surfaces in common between exactly two spaces.

Selected Element Data Palette

The Selected Element Data palette is located in the upper right of the workspace. It enables the user to view and edit properties for an object selected in the Data Model tree (described above)


These properties are presented to the user in 3 views:

  1.    SimModel Properties

  2.    EnergyPlus Properties

  3.    T24 Properties

In this tab the user can the user can interact with the fields in the following ways:

Project Data Tab

The Project Data Tab in the T24 Analysis workspace is located in the T24 Administration palette in the lower right of the workspace.

In this tab the user can the user can interact with the fields in the following ways:

Project Owner Information

Project Location

Design Team Tab

The Design Team Tab in the T24 Analysis workspace is located in the T24 Administration palette in the lower right of the workspace.

In this tab the user can the user can interact with the fields in the following ways:


HVAC Engineer

Lighting Designer

Energy Modeler

Exceptional Conditions Tab

The Design Team Tab in the T24 Analysis workspace is located in the T24 Administration palette in the lower right of the workspace.

In this tab the user can the user can interact with the fields in the following ways:

Standards Analysis Palette

The Standards Analysis palette is located in the upper right of the workspace. It enables the user to configure and run T24 analyses for the currently selected Design Alternative.

In this tab the user can the user can interact with the fields in the following ways:

Appendix A Simergy Certification: 2013 T24 v3c Compliance Analysis


1 Simergy is a trademark of Digital Alchemy, Inc.


Copyright 2015 Digital Alchemy, Inc.