Stencil: Zone HVAC Stencil:HP Packaged Terminal on Stencil
Type: UnitaryZoneEqmt
Sub Type: PTHP
EnergyPlus Object - ZoneHVAC:PackagedTerminalHeatPump
Related EnergyPlus Objects - ZoneHVAC:EquipmentList and ZoneHVAC:EquipmentConnections
The Packaged Terminal Heat Pump is considered zone equipment that contains a number of different components, including:
Direct Expansion (DX) Cooling Coil
Direct Expansion (DX) Heating Coil
Supply Air Fan
Supplemental Heating Coil
When the user is in the Zone HVAC Groups Diagram workspace or the Air Loops Diagram Workspace and they select a Packaged Terminal Heat Pump component shape, the following properties will be displayed in the lower left section of the workspace.
The properties in bold are required, and each component mentioned above requires a library entry be selected (see mapping). In addition, the Supply Air Flow Rates, Outdoor Air Flow Rates, and Maximum Supply Air Temperature from Supplemental Heater require selections.
Note: When used within Simergy Templates the HP Pack. Terminal values for the properties mentioned above with be "Autosize"
The table displays where the source of the drop down lists for the property in the properties table reside.
Simergy Property | Libraries Ribbon Categories | Type | Possible Sub Types |
Supply Air Fan Name | Fans & Pumps | SupplyFan | ConstantVolume
VariableVolume OnOff ComponentModel |
Heating Coil Name | Coils & HX Eqmt | HeatingCoilDX | CoilAirHeatingDXSingleSpeed
CoilAirHeatingDXMultiSpeed CoilAirHeatingDesuperheater CoilAirHeatingDXVariableRefrigerantFlow |
Cooling Coil Name | Coils & HX Eqmt | CoolingCoilDX | CoilAirCoolingDXSingleSpeed
CoilAirCoolingDXTwoSpeed CoilAirCoolingDXMultiSpeed CoilAirCoolingDXTwoStageWithHumidtyControlMode CoilAirCoolingDXVariableRefrigerantFlow |
Supplemental Heating Coil Name | Coils & HX Eqmt | HeatingCoilElec | CoilAirPreHeatingElectric
CoilAirHeatingElectric |
EnergyPlus InputOutput Reference PTHP description
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