Example - Creating an L-Shaped Building in Simergy

Workspace:  Buildings-Building/Floor/Zone Definition-Create/Edit Bldg Stories

Workspace Areas:   Active Project Model Tree - 3d view - 2d view - Create/Edit Geometry

Other Examples -


If the user is creating new geometry from scratch or tracing over an imported floor plan, they will engage the Geometry tab.  To activate the workspace the user will need to select New, which causes:


The first decision to make is the type of shape to draw, and the options can be accessed from either:

By selecting different shape options (rectangle, L-Shape, H-shape, Cross Shape, U-Shape, or T-Shape) the 3d view and 2d view will update to show the current selection.  If the user wants to draw a custom shape they can do so by selecting either the icon of the pencil with a squiggly line shown on the 2d view or by selecting 'Free Form' from the drop down list.  

To describe the Geometry Capabilities a set of examples will be utilized.  The user is encouraged to build these examples in parallel and the end result is included at the end of the example.

Example 1: L-Shape Building

The following workflow goes through the steps to create a building form using the L-Shape Shape selection:


The L-Shaped Extravaganza after 'Create' is selected






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