Results Screen Templates

Workspace:  Results Visualization

Using Results Screen Templates

The process for utilizing the available Result Screen Templates is fairly simple (see image below):

  1. Select "New from Template" from the Result Screen ribbon section and a pop-up dialog box will appear (see image below)
  2. Select the Desired Result Screen Template from the list in the dialog box (see available Result Screen Templates)
  3. If there are selection options displayed in the lower portion of the dialog box, such as available Results Sets,  zone listing per Results Set, loop type or other, make the desired selections.  The selections displayed are dependent upon what output variables the Results Screen Template are displaying.
  4. Select Create
  5. The Result Screen Template is created and the output variables that are included in the Results Set that match those that are a part of the Result Screen Template will be displayed in the Results Views that have been predefined.  The Result Screen Template (shown above) is the "Loop-CHW" (shown below), which has both the CHW Loop - 1 and HW Loop -1 boxes selected.

Note:  The image shows the list of Result Screen Templates that are included with the Simergy version 1 installation


Result Screen Template (RST) Selection Options

Simergy Version 1 contains the following Result Screen Templates

Result Screen Template Names Descriptions
Building Electricity and Gas A set of four (4) Results Views that displays yearly Electricity for the facility on the left side in two formats.  The first is a monthly 2d bar chart, and the second is a surface chart.  On the right side the two Results Views show the two same type of views, but for the Gas for the facility.
Component-Boilers A set of two (2) Results Views that on the top view displays the monthly gas consumption for the selected boilers side by side in a monthly bar chart with the Outdoor Dry Bulb temperature graphed as well to so the potential relationship.  The bottom Results View also has the Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature graphed, but the other variables on the line chart are Boiler Water Inlet and Outlet Temperature.
Component-Chillers A set of four (4) Results Views that allows the comparison of four different sets of output variables for the selected chillers.  The output variables include Plant Loop Cooling Demand, Chiller Evap Water Inlet and Outlet Temperatures, Chiller Evap Heat Transfer, and Chiller Evap Water and Cond Water Mass Flow Rate.
Component-DX Cooling example coming soon...
Component-Pump Set A set of four (4) Results Views that enables a comparison between Pump Bank Electric Power and Pump Bank Mass Flow Rate in sets of views side by side.  The top Results view is an hourly view for a period in May, allowing a closer look at a strategic time of the year, while the lower Results Views allow the overall year view.
Component-Pumps example coming soon...
Loop Air Temperature and Load example coming soon...
Loop-CHW A set of four (4) Results Views that has three Results Views looking at the Plant Loop Cooling Demand graphed in three different ways to enable different performance vantage points and a Results View comparing Plant Loop Inlet and Outlet Node Temperature to each other as well as the flow rate for a portion of July.
Loop-HW A set of four (4) Results Views that has three Results Views looking at the Plant Loop Heating Demand graphed in three different ways to enable different performance vantage points and a Results View comparing Plant Loop Inlet and Outlet Node Temperature to each other as well as the flow rate for a portion of January.
Loop-Air A set of three (3) Results Views that provides three different performance perspectives for the Air Loops selected.  The first is a comparison of the total heating and cooling coil energy for the Air Loop.  The second is a comparison of the Mixed Air and Outdoor Air Mass Flow Rate, and the third is a surface chart of the total cooling coil energy to enable identification of key periods of consumption over the course of the year.
Zone Conditions A set of three (3) Results Views that include the same set of variables for each (Sensible Cooling and Heating Energy for the zone and the outdoor dry bulb temperature), but vary the period of time enabling an overall view (year) and two closer looks (January and July).


Building Electricity and Gas Result Screen Template

New Result Screen from Template Dialog Box

The available selections are the available Results Sets.


Image - Building Electricity and Gas for the sample file (ASHRAE-7_VAV with Reheat), Simulation Configuration 2.

Output Variables Included in Results Views within Results Screen Template

Results View Chart or Graph Type Output Variables Area Frequency
1 2D Bar Chart Electricity:Facility   Monthly
2 Surface Chart Electricity:Facility   Hourly
3 2D Bar Chart Gas:Facility   Monthly
4 Surface Chart Gas:Facility   Hourly


Components-Boilers Result Screen Template

New Result Screen from Template Dialog Box

You can select any boiler or combinations of boilers within a single Result Set or multiple Results sets to create the RST.


Image - Component Boilers Result Screen Template for the sample file (ASHRAE-7_VAV with Reheat), Simulation Configuration 2.

Output Variables Included in Results Views within Results Screen Template

Results View Chart or Graph Type Output Variables Area Frequency
1 2D Bar Chart Boiler Gas Consumption
Outdoor Dry Bulb
HW LOOP - 1|Blr


2 Smooth Line Chart Boiler Water Inlet Temp
Boiler Water Outlet Temp
Outdoor Dry Bulb
HW LOOP - 1|Blr
HW LOOP - 1|Blr


Components - Chillers Result Screen Template

New Result Screen from Template Dialog Box

You can select the chilled water loops or any or all of the chillers within a single result set or across multiple Results sets.


Image - Component Chillers Result Screen Template for the sample file (ASHRAE-7_VAV with Reheat), Simulation Configuration 2.

Output Variables Included in Results Views within Results Screen Template

Results View Chart or Graph Type Output Variables Area Frequency
1 2D Bar Chart

Outdoor Dry Bulb

Plant Loop Cooling Demand

2 Smooth Line Chart Chiller Evap Water Inlet Temp
Chiller Evap Water Outlet Temp
3 2D Area Chart Chiller Evap Heat Trans
Chiller Evap Heat Trans
4 Smooth Line Chart Chiller Evap Water Mass Flow Rate
Chiller Cond Water Mass Flow Rate


Component-DX Cooling Result Screen Template

New Result Screen from Template Dialog Box


example coming soon...

Output Variables Included in Results Views within Results Screen Template

Results View Chart or Graph Type Output Variables Area Frequency



Component-Pump Set Result Screen Template

New Result Screen from Template Dialog Box

You can select any or all of the Water Loops associated with a Results Set or multiple Results Sets.


Image - Components Pump Set Result Screen Template for the sample file (ASHRAE-7_VAV with Reheat), Simulation Configuration 2.

Output Variables Included in Results Views within Results Screen Template

Results View Chart or Graph Type Output Variables Area Frequency
1 Smooth Line Chart

Pump Bank Electric Power

Water Loop Hourly
2 Smooth Line Chart

Pump Bank Electric Power

Water Loop Hourly
3 Smooth Line Chart

Pump Bank Mass Flow Rate

Water Loop Hourly
4 Smooth Line Chart

Pump Bank Mass Flow Rate

Water Loop Hourly


Component-Pumps Result Screen Template

New Result Screen from Template Dialog Box

example coming soon...

Output Variables Included in Results Views within Results Screen Template

Results View Chart or Graph Type Output Variables Area Frequency


Loop Air Temperature and Load Result Screen Template

New Result Screen from Template Dialog Box

example coming soon...

Output Variables Included in Results Views within Results Screen Template

Results View Chart or Graph Type Output Variables Area Frequency



Loop-CHW Result Screen Template

New Result Screen from Template Dialog Box

You can select Chilled Water Loops or Hot Water Loops or both for the available Results Sets.


Image - Loop-CHW for the sample file (ASHRAE-7_VAV with Reheat), Simulation Configuration 2.

Output Variables Included in Results Views within Results Screen Template

Results View Chart or Graph Type Output Variables Area Frequency
1 Column Chart Outdoor Dry Bulb
Plant Loop Cooling Demand
Plant Loop Unmet Demand
Plant Loop Unmet Demand
Outdoor Wet Bulb
CHW Loop - 1
CHW Loop - 1
HW Loop - 1
2 Line Graph Plant Loop Cooling Demand CHW Loop - 1 Hourly
3 Contour Plot Outdoor Dry Bulb
Plant Loop Cooling Demand
Outdoor Wet Bulb
CHW Loop - 1
4 Line Graph Plant Loop InletNode Temperature
Plant Loop InletNode Temperature
Plant Loop OutletNode Temperature
Plant Loop OutletNode Temperature
Plant Loop InletNode Flowrate
Plant Loop InletNode Flowrate
CHW Loop - 1
HW Loop - 1
CHW Loop - 1
HW Loop - 1
CHW Loop - 1
HW Loop - 1


Loop-HW Result Screen Template

New Result Screen from Template Dialog Box

You can select any or all of the Hot Water and Chilled Water loops for a single Result Set or Multiple Results Sets


Image - Loop-HW for the sample file (ASHRAE-7_VAV with Reheat), Simulation Configuration 2.

Output Variables Included in Results Views within Results Screen Template

Results View Chart or Graph Type Output Variables Area Frequency
1 2D Bar Chart

Plant Loop Heating Demand

Outdoor Dry Bulb

Plant Loop Unmet Demand

Plant Loop Unmet Demand

2 Surface Chart Plant Loop Heating Demand HW LOOP-1 Hourly
3 Smooth Line Chart

Outdoor Dry Bulb

Plant Loop Heating Demand
4 Smooth Line Chart Plant Loop InletNode Temperature
Plant Loop InletNode Temperature
Plant Loop OutletNode Temperature
Plant Loop OutletNode Temperature
Plant Loop InletNode Flowrate
Plant Loop InletNode Flowrate
CHW Loop - 1
HW Loop - 1
CHW Loop - 1
HW Loop - 1
CHW Loop - 1
HW Loop - 1


Loop-Air Result Screen Template

New Result Screen from Template Dialog Box

You can select any of the Air Loops for a single Result Set or multiple Results Sets

Image - Loop-Air for the sample file (ASHRAE-7_VAV with Reheat), Simulation Configuration 2.

Output Variables Included in Results Views within Results Screen Template

Results View Chart or Graph Type Output Variables Area Frequency
1 2D Area Chart

Air Loop Total Cooling Energy

Air Loop Total Heating Energy

Air LOOP - 1
Air LOOP - 1
2 Smooth Line Chart Air Loop HVAC Mixed Air Mass Flow Rate
Air Loop HVAC Outdoor Air Mass Flow Rate
Air LOOP - 1
Air LOOP - 1
3 Surface Chart Air Loop Total Cooling Coil Energy Air LOOP - 1 Hourly


Zone Conditions Result Screen Template

New Result Screen from Template Dialog Box

You can select any of the thermal zones associated with a single Result Set or multiple Results Sets.


Image - Zone Conditions Results Screen Template for the sample file (ASHRAE-7_VAV with Reheat), Simulation Configuration 2.

Output Variables Included in Results Views within Results Screen Template

Results View Chart or Graph Type Output Variables Area Frequency
1 2D Bar Chart

Zone/Sys Sensible Cooling Energy

Zone/Sys Sensible Heating Energy

Outdoor Dry Bulb

Thermal Zone
Thermal Zone
2 Smooth Line Chart

Zone/Sys Sensible Cooling Energy

Zone/Sys Sensible Heating Energy

Outdoor Dry Bulb

Thermal Zone
Thermal Zone
3 Smooth Line Chart

Zone/Sys Sensible Cooling Energy

Zone/Sys Sensible Heating Energy

Outdoor Dry Bulb

Thermal Zone
Thermal Zone




© Copyright 2013 Simergy, Sustainable IQ, Inc.