Library Categories

Note: The Source Library in Simergy contains Library Entries across a number of categories as well as templates, and it establishes the underlying database that is available to the user within the Libraries tab.  The hierarchy is Source Library, Library Category, Library Entry.    

Library Entry Selection

The Libraries tab in Simergy allows the user to view, edit and/or create Library Entities across a number of Library Categories.  

Library Entry Name

The drop down list that displays the available Library Entry Selections for the current Source Library.  

Description Entry

The description that is associated with the Library Entry.


Type and Sub Type Selection

Select Type

The drop down list displays the Library Category Types that are available for the current Source Library.

Select Sub Type

The drop down list displays the Library Category Sub Types that are available for the current Source Library based on the Type that has been selected.

Working with Library Entry Selection and Type and Sub Type Selection

When starting to work in different Libraries Categories Workspaces the user is presented with two distinct ways to work with these workspace areas:

  1. Select a previously developed Library Entry from the Library Entry Name drop down list, which includes all the previous Library entries that have been set up within the Source Library.  The selection will populate the Type and Sub Type fields with the relevant options and will populate the Property Values Table with the selected values.  
  2. Search the Source Library Database by selecting a Type and Sub Type from the drop down lists.  Note: This can be a bit counter intuitive because the user is leaving the fields near the top of the workspace blank.




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