Short Video Tutorial Series

A starter set of short video tutorials are currently available to provide some insight into the "breadth and depth" of Simergy.  Each video ranges from (2) to (13) minutes in length and targets different components of Simergy.  The intent is that the videos provide a step by step video example of the tasks and workflows for different features and allows you to try the features first hand.  You can pause and try, attempt to do in parallel or recreate after watching.  The video tutorials are part of a growing series of short videos that will continue to expose best practices and workflow explanations for Simergy.  The  current video tutorials are:


Simergy - High Level

Chunking Method = Simergy 3s

As with any tool or topic that is powerful and complex, it is important to "Chunk" what you take on and what you try to remember, so that the content is broken down in effective "chunks".  This allows there to be more triggers that can assist learning, retaining and recalling more things.  [Duration = 6 min]


Simergy Help

Simergy Help Tour

How to access and leverage the Simergy Help content available. [Duration =2 min]

Using the Simergy Guides

Guides on specific topics, such as Workspaces, Natural Ventilation, Daylighting and Results are available to provide you a more focused look and explanation of those capabilities, and to assist you getting up and running with Simergy more effectively. [Duration =3 min]

ASHRAE Baseline System 7 Help Tour

If you are curious to explore the setup and configuration of a simulation ready file in Simergy, you can do so by opening the ASHRAE System 7 compiled html file. [Duration =3 min]


How Simergy Imports and Creates Geometry

IFC Model Import

Demonstrates the Industry Foundation Class Import Workflow from import to thermal zone designation to HVAC system layout. [Duration = 12:52]

Geometry Creation

Part 1: Walks through how to create the site context using free form and typical shapes. Also introduces the project component tree. [Duration = 6:57]

Geometry Creation

Part 2: Shows how to create the BEM geometry using standard shapes and free form in combination, and introduces some of the ways the building envelope can be changed.  [Duration = 9:25]


Simergy HVAC Systems

HVAC System Component Shapes

A light hearted look at the component shapes and the important role they play in the HVAC diagramming approach within Simergy. [Duration = 8:16]

Creating and Assigning a Zone HVAC Group Template

The process involved to assign a custom Zone HVAC Group to your project. [Duration = 2 min]

Creating an Air Loop

The process involved in creating the supply side, the demand side, and the controls for an Air Loop for a project. [Duration = 3 min]

Creating a Water Loop

The process involved in creating the supply side, the demand side, and the controls for multiple water loops for a project. [Duration = 4 min]

Creating A Model Using HVAC System Templates

Covers how to quickly create a model and prepare it for simulation using the HVAC system templates that are included in Simergy. [Duration = 11:28]


Simergy Results

Setting up Simulation Configurations

A short video demonstrating how Simulation Configurations can be set up and edited from the same workspace, as well as where to go in Simergy Help to find out more information about setting up Output Requests (Libraries) and Output Request Sets (Templates) [Duration = 3:25]


A quick video on some of the key features of the Reports Workspace, and how it is the first stop to assess if the simulation ran successfully and what things would benefit further investigation using Results Visualization. [Duration = 3:25]

Results Visualization

Introduces the key features of the Results Visualization workspace showing how to set up multiple chart and table views enabling detailed investigation and comparisons. [Duration =11:13]

Results Visualization - Multiple Results Sets and Results Screens

Shows how to manage multiple results sets and introduces result screen templates and result screens  [Duration =12:01]


Simergy Libraries and Templates

Adding a Source Library

A source Library is at the top of the Data Chain in Simergy.  It is the database that  contains library entries for the different libraries categories  and templates, and the short video shows how you can add one to your Simergy project. [Duration = 3 min]

Creating Schedules

Walks through a project scenario for a school developing schedule profiles, a special days calendar and learn how to associate both with different schedule types. [Duration = 8:31]

Building a Zone HVAC Group

You'll see how to set up a new Zone HVAC Group Template that we'll save to the Source Library, so that you can use it on any energy models that you build in Simergy. [Duration = 5 min]