Location: Multiple Workspaces in Simergy. Typically located in the upper left side of the workspace.
The following are a sampling of the 'Tree Capabilities' within different workspaces. We encourage users to identify others!
At any point within any workspace a user can highlight a component on a tree, right click and gain access to:
Selections of the parent, child, and/or other children related to the component that is selected. This allows the user to refine the selection easily by going to a more detailed or higher level, and keeps the user from having to spend time trying to position the 3d model view 'just so', so that the desired component can be selected.
Additional options: Isolate the selected objects or Hide
The next set of capabilities depend on which type of component the user selects. Detailed explanation of capabilities provided on links. By selecting Edit or Diagram the user is taken to the workspace that is needed to accomplish that based on the component they have selected.
Tip: This can be very useful when you are trying to maintain multiple loops on a project. The user can highlight the desired loop on the tree, right click and select edit system, which will take them to the diagram workspace. This saves the step of having to go to the create/edit workspace and then the desired loop to make it active.
© Copyright 2013 Simergy, Sustainable IQ, Inc.