FAQ: How can I move around within the 3d model view?

The 3d view and 2d view appear in a number of workspaces within Simergy, so understanding the controls is "a good thing".


To Rotate the 3d view = Hold do the mouse wheel while moving the mouse to the right or left


To Pan in the 3d view = Hold down the right mouse button while moving the mouse to the right or left.  Release the right button when you've nailed the desired view.


To make a selection in the 3d view = just position the cursor on the desired component (wall, window, floor, etc) that you want to select and left click


To  dynamically zoom in and out in 3d view = position the cursor inside the 3d view and then use the mouse wheel to dynamically zoom.  Moving the mouse wheel towards you zooms out and moving the mouse wheel away from you zooms in.




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