FAQ: How to draw a Site Object?

1.      Go to the Site (tab) and Site Definition (Ribbon) Create/Edit Site Elements Workspace

2.      In the Create/Edit Site Elements field select "New".  This initiates the process

3.      What type of Site Object? (Adjacent Site, Solar Obstruction, Power Demand, Power Generation, Solar Surface)

3.1.       Note: Depending on your Object Type selection the inputs in this field will adjust

4.      Make the following inputs:

4.1.       Name - use default

4.2.       Object Type = Adjacent Site

4.3.       Shape = Rectangle

4.4.       Origin X = -280

5.      Hit Save.  Now the Adjacent Site is part of the BEM.  

6.      Now let's add a Solar Obstruction (aka a building next to our building)

7.      Select New again

8.      Make the following inputs:


8.1.       Name = Neighbor1

8.2.       Object Sub Type = Building Shading

8.3.       Shape = T-Shape

8.4.       Origin Values - X = -200; Y =20

8.5.       Height = 85

9.      Hit Save



10.   Save Simergy File, because although the Building Object is part of the Simergy file, the file has yet to be saved.




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