Zones and Zone Grouping:

Create/Edit (Thermal) Zones


Related Topics - Create/Edit Building Stories - Custom Glazing - Custom Spaces - Wall Tools - Building Canvas



The composition of the workspace is similar to all the other workspaces in the Building/Floor/Zone Definition ribbon section.  The only difference is the Edit/Create Thermal Zones table in the lower left position.


The table displays the current full set of thermal zones within the model.  The user can edit the name of the thermal zone by selecting in the first column and changing the text.  The user can include notes for each thermal zone by selecting the second column and entering the desired text.  The user can identify the space(s) that are associated with the thermal zone by selecting the "+" located to the left of the thermal zone name, which will expand the tree for the selected thermal zone to show the spaces associated.  


At the top of the table are four buttons:



Adds a new thermal zone to the bottom of the table with a default naming convention of "Thermal Zone" plus a sequential numbering that adds one to the last thermal zone that was created.  


Note: The new thermal zone does not have a space associated with it.



The user can select a thermal zone and then select "delete" to remove it from the model.  


Note: Deleting thermal zones does not delete any of the geometry associated with the model because the thermal zones are being deleted, not the spaces.


Create Individual Zones

The user can create a set of thermal zones for each selected space (or void or plenum) in the model that does not already have a thermal zone set up by selecting the Create Individual Zones button.   


Example: If the user has thermal zones created for the spaces in the model, but also like to create thermal zones for the ceiling void spaces, they can do it by selecting the ceiling voids and clicking Create Individual Zones


Example: If the user has deleted some thermal zones and would like to make sure they have a thermal zone associated with each space, they can select Create Individual Zones and the full set including the spaces that had thermal zones deleted will be created.   


Note: Currently users can select multiple thermal zones at once by selecting one, holding down the shift key and selecting another, however only one thermal zone can be deleted at a time.


Make Zone

The user can create a single thermal zones for each selected space (or void or plenum) in the model that does not already have a thermal zone set up by selecting the Make Zone button.   





Example: Creating Thermal Zones and Adding Spaces


There are multiple ways to create Thermal Zones and add Spaces to them.


To Create a Thermal Zone:

  1. Click New to define a specific type of Thermal Zone

  2. Right click a Space in the Project Tree or the Plan View and click Create Thermal Zone

  3. Select a number of Spaces and click either Make Zone or Create Individual Zones

To Add a Space to a Thermal Zone:

  1. Drag a Space from either the Project Tree or the Plan View to a Thermal Zone in the list

  2. Right click a Space in the Project Tree or the Plan View and click Add to Thermal Zone and select the zone



























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